Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 2020

Gave little man a fresh cut.

The struggle is real tryin to get these kids (my students)  to work these last few weeks!

Clara flying a kite she made, it works so well!

How we read

The many faces of Clara

Take me back to the easy days. Sometimes I wish I could just have 48 hours pre kids to not think and be selfish. OOOOOooooh the good ol days

We have to do lots of practice cutting for OT for Everett and he hates it. Card board is helpful since it's more sturdy. Then we do something fun with it after so hopefully next time he remembers the fun part and not the cutting.

Hopefully our last CT. Everett remembers them well now and is so good about being all wrapped up and laying so still. I put on Elmo for him on my phone and he just tells me the colors he sees inside. He is the easiest little boy that ever lived!

I saved up some TP rolls and such for a fun marble maze for Clara to make. There was some great problem solving going on and then of course it was fun for little brother to play with too!

When I upload pics, they all go out of order during uploading....erg

We finally got out of the house Sunday, as a family, to do something fun. The beach it was. It was so beautiful and everyone was so excited to go and do something away from our quarters. I'm so thankful for all we have at our home and our beautiful neighborhood but after two months, the beach felt like a full on 4 hour vacation!
She can be a BIT crazy!

This is her silly whining, crying, laughing crazy brain I get before bed sometimes...ya know, it sounds familiar. I remember being in these moods and my mom would say, "you'll be cryin before bed." and I always was...

Massaging daddy's back after all his hard work in the lawn, thanks daddy for maintaining a beautiful home for us!

lunch outside. Update on feeding and Everett and therapies soon. No huge progress with eating. :/

Suz has been home, I'm glad she is there although I know she misses NYC. I can't get over how cute this little family is! Miss you so much Suz!

tomorrow...I'll miss their help for SURE!

Teacher appreciation gourmet popcorn! Thanks EMMA

I can't with him and his babies lately.

So, since our kids would BOTH be graduating this year, I'm SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOO sad not to have that experience. I cannot imagine seniors right now. My heart goes out to all they are missing. We are going to do it at home and we got the gown and caps to make it official. They were both so excited and have been practicing. So cute. We will do something official after Memorial day.

This is big progress for this kid, only because of his best teacher sitting next to him. She is SUCH an amazing teacher, he learns so much from her! Thanks for being the best big sissy teacher there ever was Clara Maria! I appreciate you!

I worked on my computer while E napped and Clara sat on my lap so cozy for so long. I look at her tiny little arms and hands, which aren't so tiny anymore but still...I want to FREEZE time and just stay here forever.

Someone is excited for the beach tomorrow, she started drawing her first trip out she was so thrilled.

Everett's trailer just busted, we've had it for a long time now. This is a mom I follow on insta and she wrote a book close to my heart that helped me through my first months of learning about Everett's diagnosis. This is her daughter Nella. This is her cool bike trailer, we're not ready for this yet but they do have one with a chair. Saving up Everett!!!!! It also has pedals so he can join in the pedaling when ready. I'm so thankful for adaptive equipment!

I think I was made for quarantine! 

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