Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why I Love My Job

Teaching isn't an easy job. I know many who do not appreciate all that goes into what we do and how our hearts and souls are devoted to "our kids". I've always treated my students as if they were my own. I love them all deeply, especially the ones that try and push me away with bad behaviors and task avoidance, knowing they need me more. Each year, I'm so eager to start and meet all the new fresh faces and I'm ready to take on all the challenges that come along with our profession. This is a job that will NEVER be done, I could work all day and all night and never, ever, reach the end of the to do list. It's impossible to do in the contracted hours and I've put my personal goals on hold in order to be a mom and a teacher. I'm devoted to my families in school, outside of school, and for the rest of their lives. I'm in contact with so many families still and I'm so thankful to watch these kids grow up, and I'm so proud of who they become, one of my favorite reasons for being on social media. I try so hard to help the children grow academically, socially, and personally in such a short year. This year being cut short was hard. I'm loving the extra time with my own children and I wouldn't give that up for anything but it's an uneasy feeling being away from my other babies for so long and not getting a proper goodbye. This class was an amazing class of kids, with big hearts and ambitions. They didn't start that way, we molded as a group as we do each year, and by January they know my expectations and we walk into a classroom full of brains ready to learn and hearts ready to give. (If you would have asked me at the start of the year if I wanted to work from home, I would have said, I'll work for free!) I'm already excited for the fall, to see how much they've grown and to greet them with BIG HUGS! I've been asked by 5 parents in the last week if I'll loop to 4th grade, that they need me. There is no Starbucks gift card big enough to compare to the love I feel when parents struggle at the thought of their child not being with me. I struggle with the thought of letting their children go, especially without the brick and mortar closure. I'm adding this letter to my blog, so I can reflect back and remind myself why I work so hard and care so much, because sometimes I am not feeling the love and the job is too much and I consider a new path. So, a big thanks to those five families who took the time to tell me thank you, some with unnecessary gifts, the words mean the most. It grounds me and reminds me, I gotta stay. Even if it was just one child I made an impact on, it's all worth it. 

Hey there ________ have been with their grandparents all last week and so far this week. They have stated everything with school has been getting done.. since I dont have my computer with me or their sign on info wanted to double check and make sure Katie isn't behind with anything.  
Thank you again for being so SUPER DUPER GREAT.. also I am secretly hoping u can teach 4th grade as are many parents, _____ needs a teacher like you.. 
I have attached a picture of ________ make over room that she gets to come home to.. she is going to be so excited. 
I know she would want to tell you about it in person. 
Ok ok, 
I sent u before,  during and after photos,  only thing I have to do is add her princess sign above her bed 
Again I can NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH  for helping me with her and helping her and being so positive and an AMAZING role model.. I am getting tears in my eyes typing this cause I just dont think you know how much of a positive impact you have been in my daughters life for you I am thankful for your patience and kind heart and helping me with her with things I couldn't have done alone. 
Thank You,

This little girl walked into my room this year with a mindset of, "I can't read". She wouldn't even try. I've never seen such a change in a child. We worked so hard on reading skills and most of all, confidence. I've never seen such growth in all my years of teaching. It takes a dedicated teacher, student and family in order for the stars to align as they did and we were all ready to dive head first to close her gaps. It's so hard letting these babies go, knowing I know EXACTLY how to get her to work and what she needs to continue, but the next teacher will do the same, or I always tell myself that. We have such a love and such a bond, I'm so sad to let her go but I know she is going to do great things. And, I know she is a kid that will remember me and find me on social media down the road so I can watch all the amazing things she does. There is no bigger gift in the world than making a difference in a child's life. I'm so thankful to the families that take the time to tell me I'm making a difference. 

I go in to my classroom to clean it out tomorrow. This is something we do as a class at the end of the year and it gives so much closure doing it together. I have to go into a quiet room and empty personal belongings from desks into bags. We do get to go to school next Tuesday when the families drive by to get their things, it'll be so nice to see faces and so hard not to dive into the cars to hug them goodbye. I have kids in homes that make me worry greatly about their well being, it's so unsettling, I wish I could just be a fly on the wall to make sure they're okay and being loved. This weird time during this horrible pandemic has made me so thankful for so many things I wasn't thankful enough for! I am hoping we can all be back to "normal" next year for the student's sake. Even though I'll be back to the rat race. I've LOVED how slow our lives are at home, I love our bubble, I think I could live in it forever if I was allowed. I miss people, but I don't miss racing around to school, to therapy, rush home to shovel in dinner and shove kids in bed, packing lunches and sitting down for two hours of more work at 9pm...I love this new life, and wish it could stay, under different conditions. 

Okay, enough's enough. Cutting my rant off...

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