Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 45 - Labor Day week

This was a nice average work week, four day helped! Nothing much out of the ordinary. Clara is spitting up and pooping lots, I think another toofer or two may be on the way, but I've been wrong many a time, so who knows?! She is talking up a storm. Saying many words by accident and really sounds like she knows what she's saying. She doesn't yet repeat her accidental real words. We're still waiting for her to communicate the few words in sign language that we've been teaching her. I know she knows what they mean when I do them, I'm not sure when she'll realize she can tell me things if she does them back. Andre and I can't wait for her babble to be real words!! I can already hear her and daddy talking up a storm all day long. I can see Andre's excitement, she's close! Here is a video of her sounding funny. She has been making this fun noise the last few days. It was night when I finally captured it, but the ending is the silly sound.

"Goil Goil Goil" What the title should be. At the end, you can hear her fake laugh. She knows she is entertaining us. When awake 90% of her time is dedicated to entertaining us.

We are starting to think about her birthday, what to do. We can't believe it's almost been a year already! Tyler T called this morning and invited Clara over to play, so we went to visit her cousins and she laughed and played with the boys. They're such great entertainers, she adores them. Thanks for asking us over Tyler. Tiffany showed me some tricks on my camera. All things I remember her telling me before but I knew when she first filled me in I didn't remember it all, so there were a few key aspects I was missing that will hopefully help the quality. Time will tell. Tiffany is a very good teacher, I think she has another calling she could answer to if she wanted!

We got a new water tank! Now we need to fix our walls that got wet. :( There's always something. I remember when my dad would fly off the handle when shi* would break in our house, I get his frustration now. Andre and my dad do have much in common, thankfully Andre's blood pressure doesn't boil as bad as Tigers when things go awry! Yet...

This week:

Family walk around the neighborhood.

So happy home with daddy on Thursday.

Can Elsa get any cuter? The answer folks is NO! Gosh if I could only teleport and kiss that face!

Julia and Tyler T came over to play Thursday night.

This weeks favorite! I love this picture because it shows her koo-koo bird face. She is so silly all day long, cracking me up!

Friday with Aunt Tiffy & cousins.
 Loves playing with Tyler!
 I love how Tiffany manages to get them all in the pic while feeding Julia. Like one task isn't enough. I get these pictures all day and it brightens my day so much!

Elsa Rose on her last trip around the lake this summer. Next year she'll be jumping in!!!
 What cute captains!

Pics from Andre's phone:

Since Andre got the Samsung phone I've not gotten pics from him weekly since I don't know his new phone, it's really not that big of a deal but I don't take the time like I used to. I have no idea which of his I've already posted and/or where I left off. So sorry for any repeats.

For a while now Clara has been out of her car seat and enjoying meals out with us at the table. It's so fun. We can even share our meals! What a big girl!

Second favorite pic. I picked the plumeria on our walk to the drive from the path from our back yard. I love the beauty that Andre creates that I can put in our baby's hair!

So, yet another reason I have the best husband. My classroom didn't have a place for the kids book bags.I asked Andre if he could whip up some hangers and he does when he hasn't many seconds to spare after taking care of our yard in the evenings. He brought Clara in and hung them up my first Thursday back at work. Thanks love, I appreciate you!

I find it so funny that in the morning Andre never "buckles" Clara up. That's what he calls it. She wears her pj's like a cape on her arms every time he gets her up. Whenever he goes to change her in general, she comes back missing something, (her pants, hair tie, paci, sock, toy she took, something.) or something is out of place. I guess that's what daddy is for! When I'm home I fix her, when I'm not and I get these pictures I go crazy in my head knowing she is not "put together" then I just get happy that he takes such great care of her.

"I love my pj cape mama!"

Thankfully still just opening and closing doors, not taking things out yet.

She is so silly. Daddy feeding her breakfast and her entertaining as always.

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