Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 48 - Sept 26 week

Oh Clara Maria. You just get sillier and sillier. This week you have done/said so much that's new. You show us you're learning all the time. This week you've repeated, "thank you", "bubble guppies", "ouch". You kept saying, "ouch" but only said thank you and bubble guppies one time after one of us said it. Daddy and I whip our heads at one another with faces dropped when we hear you. You speak quite clearly, there's no doubt you repeat us. Now I have to get daddy to clean up his mouth around you, he swears when he is joking around and I have no doubt you'll repeat him.

Your new favorite action is dumping everything overboard. You love to make things disappear or take them "out". For example, on your changing table, there is a gap between the edge and the wall and you drop EVERYTHING down there on purpose. You have also been emptying your crib, pack-n-play, bins and containers you play with. You put toys out your bars to your "cage" as Darren likes to call it. In your car seat you toss things off to the side, getting rid of your items is your new favorite "game". I leave most of what you toss so you don't think they magically come back. When you empty a bin of your own we practice putting the toys back in, you like that too, just not as much.

You're taking steps when we hold your hands. You've been letting go when you're next to support and standing on your own. You've got good balance but don't try and step on your own yet. When we do hold your hands and you start moving, you go fast. I have a feeling you'll go from crawling to running.

You use sign language now. You're telling us when you want "more" and when you're "all done". You use the "all done" sign a lot, when you get sick of what I'm giving you to eat. I love that you can communicate but I usually force a little more down, but I want you to know that I understand you so I stop feeding you. For now. ;) I'm trying to get you to apply it to other things, not just eating. So I'm trying to show you that you can use "more" when we play. The "all done" sign has helped prevent you from pushing the spoon away and making a mess, you stay a little more calm.

Elisabeth watched you Friday since Aunt Tiffy was out of town. She said you were such a good girl and really getting used to being there. That takes a huge weight off of my heart, and I think Elisabeth's too. You were always a good girl, but sometimes a little sad since you didn't remember being there last school year. We were at Aunt Tiffy's house all summer while I watched your cousins so that was an easier transition for you. I think 1.5 months with only going two days a week is a reasonable amount of time to adjust. I'm so glad you're comfortable now, more cheerful and sleeping better!! Yay!

You love to play with my phone. I put a code on it so you can't get into it as easy. Dada just told me that if you do it wrong three times it will lock me out, yikes, not sure if I should take it off. You put it up to your head and start talking. You press the button down and know to hold it until Siri starts talking to you. Daddy called you to talk, it was funny.

You LOVE grabbing noses. I think you have your finger up daddy's nostril. You love playing with your dada.

Crazy baby won't sit still for a second for a picture.

We kiss you ALL day long. You're starting to kiss back now. You kiss me out of the blue and get your slobber all over me. I love it. You also have been snuggling your head into my shoulder and your stuffed animals. Yay, maybe you'll snuggle after all!

"Look what  I have dada!"

Tiffany had this onesie made: "My Entire Life is Being Blogged" - she put it on Clara last Monday and took some pictures with it. Too funny, so true. I took some pictures at home with it before I return it to her.

You love to read. You open your books and turn the pages and talk/read.

Daddy's new spot for morning pictures. I love when I get these in the morning. They make my entire day!

At Aunt Tiffy's

This is the look you get when you're saying silly things and being a ham.

You climbed up onto Julia's swing and were having fun! Aunt Tiffy has a video I need to get off her phone, it wouldn't send to me.

Tyler feeding you. It's impossible to keep your mouth closed when feeding someone else, look at how cute he is.

Daddy's pictures in the morning. See the robot he made for you to destroy after you went to bed. HE had it all ready for you to demolish in the morning. I love that he keeps you in your pajama cape until you get changed.

Your favorite bunny nunu.

Daddy dressed you today. You have a neon bow, red polka-dot shirt, blue and white striped pants. When I showed up to Elisabeth's to get you, I giggled, you look like a clown.

See all the toys on the outside her pack-n-play?

You're so big.

And so silly.

I got this pretty picture from someone's fb page. Beautiful WNY.

Just had a bath, playing with a pot while mama makes dinner.

You're able to put the toys in the holes and when you pick one that doesn't fit you bang it really hard and get mad.

University of Tampa shirt. I text this to Kristopher to remind him not to get too cozy at Alfred.

Clara goes everywhere without shoes. She's not walking yet, and she takes them all off anyway. I think she may need to adjust to shoes for the future so I tried picking a pair she may not be able to take off. I sent this to dada to see if he liked them. He was busy at work so he didn't have time to text back. We bought them, he called them "bobo" shoes. Anyone else hear of that? Needless to say, I think we'll be taking them back. I had two choices people, and they were 11$. Can't beat that!

Your first and last dance in your "bobo" shoes.
Clara playing.

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