Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, January 30, 2015

Clara at 15 months

Clara Maria,
You are such an amazing little girl. You keep me entertained and on my toes at all times. You're so smart and learning more and more each day. Here are a few tid bits about you my love.

The things you say:

Animals you know along with the noise/action they make: cat, dog, fish, cow, owl, snake, bear, lion, horse, sheep, alligator, bunny, duck - I know I'm forgetting some.

Words you use a lot: no, up, down, hungry, eat, "ommie", dada, meow, hi, ni-ni for night-night, baba, ball

Phrases: "here ya go" sounds like "he go" - - I realized after you started using this phrase that I hand you things and say "here ya go" to you a lot. Now you say "He go" when you want to give something to someone, and when you want someone to give something to you. Usually when you want something, you stick your hand out and say, "He go" You've kind of dropped signing please and just say "he go". Daddy and I are trying to get please back into your request.

You are SUCH a lover. You give big bear hugs around the neck and lots of kisses. You love your cousins so much, you hug them and you tip your head into their head as a sign of love, it kind of takes the place of a kiss. You blow lots of kisses. You don't really say bye, instead you blow a kiss or give a hug.

You shout, "Ommie" for me and then when I say, "yes" you start talking babble. We have LOTS of conversation all day. You understand everything I say, it's awesome. You're very good at following commands. When I say "Are you hungry?" you'll reply, "" When I say we need to go change your diaper, you walk to your room. When it's time for bed I'll say, "Let's go ni-ni, find your nunu" and you'll search for your bunny and walk to your room. We'll stop for your bottle on the way and you'll say "Ba-ba" and sign milk. When I say, "Bath time" you walk right to the bathroom. You are such a good little girl. When I ask you for an arm for your jacket, you give it. When I say to sit so we can put your shoes on you do, and you give me your feet and are patient while I get you ready. You're best behaved when we're going and doing. Around 4pm, shortly after I get home, you get a little cranky so we need to go and do. You've usually been in the house playing all day and I don't blame you for wanting a new scene. You get so excited when daddy and I come home you run right over for hugs and start talking up a storm to tell us about your day. You always hold out whatever is in your hand to show us.

On the down side. You can give quite an attitude when you're upset about something, frustrated, or tired. It usually doesn't last long but you can throw a fit. Recently you started pushing mommy's face and even hitting your own. I don't like this one bit. I'm trying not to give you much attention for it. I tell you no hitting and it hurts. Usually once I reprimand you, you cry and feel bad. Sometimes you get more angry. I try and talk you through your feelings and let you know that I know you're frustrated about this or that, usually when I've told you no. Anytime you're asked a question your response is, "No!" You don't really have "yes" in your vocabulary yet. If you don't want to say no, then you just don't say anything, even when I prompt you to say yes when I know it's the answer you want to say.

You're walking/running all over the place, and climbing stairs if they're available. You usually don't get into too much you're not supposed to. You're starting to reach the next level of pictures on the fridge and pulling magnets down that daddy doesn't want you touching. The other day I showed you that you were in the pictures, along with other people you know, you thought it was hysterical that all these people, including yourself, were there on the fridge.

You are HIGHLY inquisitive but very cautious at the same time. You know how to be gentle and usually are. You play with  my hair, earrings, jewelry and don't damage anything. You are feeding yourself more and more. You're biting your own food and liking the independence. I didn't push this, since it's cleaner for me to feed you but you can and will and aren't too messy. You don't like it when your hands get dirty so you stay fairly clean.

You're better about me washing your hair in the bath and better about letting me brush your back teeth. You have your top front four teeth, four molars and three on the bottom front. You let me comb your hair better and you even let Aunt Tiffy braid it the other day. Your favorite show is still Bubble Guppies but you like a few others, never as much as the "BG's" though, which is what daddy and I call them when we're talking in code. You don't watch too much TV at all, you prefer reading books! That's my girl! You love to read and you sit and listen to books for long periods of time. You like to kiss the pages when you see your favorite animal, the cat. You love to wander the house, having freedom makes you happy. You love to go outside most of all. Daddy sold the fire pit to make way for your playground someday soon we hope.

Sometimes out of nowhere you wrap your arms around me tight and give me real kisses on the lips, one after another, hug after hug. It's the best feeling in the WORLD. Nothing will ever make me happier, getting your love might be all I'll ever need. However, if I ask for kisses and hugs, I get a firm, "No!" Silly girl. Things are on your terms, that's for sure.

You're my sweet little love and all I could ever hope for.

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