Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, May 24, 2015

What's new with Clara? 19 months

One of the biggest advances Clara's made in my opinion is that she says, "yes" on a regular basis now. She even says it excited! She used to just repeat the last word of whatever I said as her yes. For example, I'd say, "Do you ant milk?" If she did, she'd say, "milk", and now we get a "Yes! Milk!" sometimes with a please!

She talks all day. There is little babble left in her language, which I miss to a degree. She can count to ten in both English and Spanish. Sometimes she gets them 100% but usually she'll miss a few on the way. She continues to become more accurate with shapes and colors, if she's not in the mood to tell colors and is asked she'll always reply, "blue green" which is smart of her since much of the time it's one of the two.

She's running all over, she has been for quite some time but I don't think I've mentioned that.

Since she's been sick she'll say, "I gotchu", "I know" or "Sorry" whens something hurts. This is because if I bump her or pull her hair by accident I say, "Sorry", if she's scared, I say, "I gotchu" and if something hurts I sometimes say, "I know". Poor baby, breaks my heart. It started yesterday as, "I gotchu bear" since that's what Andre calls her.

When she watches Dora she can fill in the blanks on her own. For example, when lost, Dora will say, "What do we need?" and Clara will so before Dora does, "THE MAP!" When things are repeated on the show she's started to repeat along by either counting or singing the last words in the phrases of a song.

It's 7 am and she's awake now, more soon!

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