Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, December 4, 2015

Tis the season

We went to the park on Sunday to play. Clara was running so fast on the way in she bit it. Thankfully she was so excited to play at the park it didn't matter. This little girl loves the park! 

We had pumpkin pie fixins for Thanksgiving that we didnt' make. So we made it. It's one of Andre's favorites so I had Clara help make daddy's favorite pie. She loved to help pour, she'd stir two times around and say, "I all done! Mama do!" She is an expert at delegating so she doesn't do anything. Bubba did his ab workout in his chair. He goes from that laying position and pulls himself up again and again, great core workout.

I told her to try it. After I did, I thought I probably shouldn't have taught her to do that, but she loved it. We smelled all the ingredients as we put them in so she might recall them next time. 


Time to decorate the tree. 

Smelling them?! 

She was moving quite fast so she could get the next one. 

She calls each one a "prise" for surprise since each new one is mysterious. 

Little man and I sat back and watched, it was nice! 

That cute tootsie! 

My happy boy! He is so good natured, always smiling and laughing. 

I forgot my pump at work, thankfully my boss was still there. She has a daughter, Lia who is a week younger than Everett. She dropped it over and we had an impromptu play date! 

Clara has been tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep until dada comes to snuggle. Then they both fall fast asleep. 

Clara wearing Melissa's glasses, the kids' babysitter. 

Dancing in the rain while doing sidewalk chalk. 

Everett doing his workouts, he's getting very strong! 

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