Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, October 4, 2013

37 Weeks

The 37th week has been busy. I'm pretty "set" at work, or as ready as I will be anyway. Only big dilemma is we don't have a long term sub yet. Yikes. I'm tutoring on weekends now as my kankles are too large by the end of a work day and I'm having to stay a while after in my room to get things squared away at school as well as hold conferences with parents before I'm gone for three months.

I'm now 1.5 cm dilated. The doctor said almost two but not quite so she'll call it 1.5. I'll take any progress, although, it still doesn't mean anything is going to happen soon, or even on time. The doctor really squeezes and pushes my belly for an accurate feel of what's inside. She said, "You're not having a small baby." I think she noticed the look of panic on my face and then came back with, "She's not a BIG baby, she's a LONG baby." So now I'm really ready for her to come out. I don't want her to fill out too much and be a 9-10 pounder! They don't tell me her weight as I think it could only be an estimate, it's probably better I don't know.

I'm obviously ready to pop as I went from not showing too much the majority of my pregnancy to bulging eyeballs and fun comments like, "Wow, you're going to POP! How much longer? You must be ready?! Wow, your belly is HUGE!"

Andre got the car seat in and set. I love getting in my car and seeing it in the back seat and hearing the little jingle of her toys. It's crazy to think soon she'll be out of my belly and in the seat behind me. As ready as I am physically I know I'm going to miss having her so close to me all the time. I'm starting to think about the labor and trying to pull my brain away from worrying about what's to come reminding myself of the big picture...having her! It doesn't seem real that I'm about to become a mom. I don't think it will hit me until she's in my arms and not even fully until we're home as a family and on our own without a clue what to do. I can't wait. :)


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