Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 39

Gretel is still cooking! I worked Monday through Wednesday and went to the doctor after work Wednesday. The doctor didn't like the look of my water retained feet and had a few other concerns so she sent me to the hospital to run a few tests to make sure all was well. I'm 3/4 cm dilated now and having lots of contractions. They ran a handful of tests and she looks great, she is about 8.4 lbs now and her heart and movements are all very reassuring. We came home after about three hours and Andre got some sleep, I didn't get much with alll the contactions. Being in the hospital made it seem real, I guess it was a good "test run" so now we have an idea of what to expect when we go. No one is in a hurry at the hospital so we'll do our best to make sure we get there in plenty of time.

I went into work yesterday morning to help set things up for the sub and give my students a final farewell. I don't think I'd ever feel "ready" to walk out the door and leave them in someone else's hands but I can tell my body is done and even one day away my mind is already consumed with baby instead of work, I can only imagine how much more distracted I'll be with her here with me. It will be wonderful!

I lost the "plug" this morning. Again, it's another step in the right direction but doesn't mean much with when she'll come. I read a few responses online, some women went within 24 hrs and many had another week or more so it's not an indicator of much. My feet are very puffy, even off of them and resting. My ankles go down staying off my feet but the tops of my feet don't budge. Time will tell!

We are both leaning toward Clara Maria and my work threw me an amazing shower and put Clara on a diaper cake. Everyone was so very generous, it was unbelievable.

Dad and Alice stopped by on their way through yesterday. They're getting things unpacked so they can make it back up for her big debut. It was nice to sit and chat with them face to face before Deniz arrives. I think my big belly shocked Tiger, I haven't seen them since month 6 when I just started showing. Having an 8+ lb baby in there makes for one large belly!

Gretel, everyone is asking about you non-stop! Family and friends are as anxious as your daddy and I to have you here with us. You're so loved and we can't wait to meet you!

Andre got cold at the hospital and wore my sweater, or tried to.  

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