Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 month doctors visit

Clara and I went to her doctors visit today, she is 5 days away from three months old. She is much happier when undressed, getting used to the world around her and not minding the doctors visits so much. She smiled and talked to the doctor today. She is now 11 lb. 6 oz. which is in the 25th percentile, her length is 24 inches which is in the 77th percentile, and her head is 14.7 inches which is in the 42nd percentile.

She is a skinny little girl but between her length, acid reflux and active nature it's expected. The doctor says she's just fine. She has started to eat more recently after her last growth spirt, now eating 4 oz each feeding instead of 3, and sometimes she'll take up to 6. I didn't get in trouble for not doing belly time. She is a very strong girl, she wants to skip crawling and rolling and is already ready to stand. Her neck and back muscles are strong. The doctor says to keep trying belly time and let her cry for a bit, hoping she gets mad enough to roll herself over. Shots at her next visit, yuck!


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