Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday to my best friend and husband Andre! Andre and I have been inseperable since January of 09. I found this handsome man on I was coming to visit my dad for the weekend and it was slim pickins in Flagler County so I reached over to the West Coast. As soon as I read his profile I knew he was the one for me. If I wrote about what I wanted in my dream man I would have written exactly what he had in his profile. I was instantly attracted to him and the moment after we met I didn’t want to leave his side. Too bad we lived across the state from one another. June couldn’t come soon enough. As soon as school was out I raced over to the West Coast to be in his arms forever.

I admire Andre for so many reasons. One of the reasons I appreciate him most is since day one, what you see is what you get. He made it clear to me in the beginning what he was looking for, (me…duh!) he is always honest with me. He has high hopes and goals and works hard to achieve them. He never wants to settle for less and lives life as full as he can. He pushes me to be my best self and I him. He loves to make me and others laugh, he wakes up each day happy and goofy. He still opens my car door and calls me sweetie, sweetie pie, love, pumpkin, princess…he knows how to make me feel special. He loves me with all his heart. I feel it daily. He tells me I’m beautiful every day, he compliments me always. He is the most thoughtful gift giver I’ve known. He listens to me. Even when he doesn’t respond. ;) He cares about me deeply and my happiness. He has “business mode” which is why we are a perfect match, we really get each other. He is a germ freak and I am not so the fact that we can find a middle ground is unbelievable to me most days. He respects me and lets me be an individual. He appreciates and loves my family. He is athletic and talented in so many ways. He will fix our toilet, yard, computer, you name it, he can do it. If he doesn’t know how, he will figure it out. He is a very smart man, and obviously as good looking as they come. I’m so proud to call him my husband. I’m so excited each day that I wake up it’s him I get to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you for being the best husband I could ever imagine.

Just when I thought I hit the jackpot with the greatest husband, we procreated and now he is also the best daddy. He loves Clara more than anything, it was obvious since he laid eyes on her. He always makes sure she is well taken care of and has really helped mommy out. I believe he does way more than most dad’s do to help. He has given me breaks after he gets home from work, he lets me sleep for hours and watches her even though he is the one that has to get up for work in the morning. If I ask him for more, he gives more. Parenting hasn't been the easiest adjustment for our relationship but we continue to work together. When times aren't easy and we are sleep deprived I know that in the end, Andre will do whatever it takes to make me happy and take care of his girls. He gave me the most beautiful daughter who looks exactly like him. I remember watching him with his nephews and niece when I first met him and it made him even more attractive. He plays with the kids and loves them all so dearly, I know he’s going to go above and beyond for his own. Clara gets as many hugs and kisses as mommy does, which is a lot!

Andre, I’m so lucky to get to celebrate your birth with you each year. I cannot thank you enough for being a great provider for both Clara and myself. I know would do anything for us both. We can never imagine our lives without you in it. You are a wonderful husband and father. Happy 39th birthday! Clara and I look forward to the next 69 years with you. I told Andre he has to live to 108 since I’m hoping to make it to 100! Happy Birthday Daddy!



I love you Andre!


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