Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 12

Clara has made some neat strides this week. She is grabbing and holding her toys. She stands for long periods of time. She is doing BELLY TIME! She holds her head up and is pushing up on her hands some. Finally! She stopped crying when she finally got the hang of it, she only lasts a few minutes but knowing being on her belly isn't terrible will allow her build her back muscles to last longer.

She is no longer crying when she wants something. She is now yelling at mommy, and if I don't respond fast enough it may turn into a cry. She is loving her play gym even more now that she can grab and hold her toys. She likes her chair too but the gym keeps her occupied for long periods of time many times throughout the day. She loves holding conversations. She talks with great expression and loves to take turns talking with me.

Daddy has made her laugh again. She was laying on my lap on the floor and he was letting her pjs fall and would catch them right before they landed on her face, she must love being startled because that's what it did and she would crack up.

We are packing up many of her pants and jammies that are now too short. Her 6 months pants and jammies fit perfect. It's sad to start packing three months before she is even that old. She is growing too fast. When she was born she skipped the newborn look and now she is flying through her months, not cool Clara Belle! Mommy wants you to slow down!

The best part is she is a happy baby! It's so easy to make her smile and coo. She is bubbly and lively, full of spunk. She will let us know when she needs/wants something that is for sure but we can now distract her easily with something since she is so attentive. The only time she gets too cranky is when she is over tired. Those that see her mention how attentive she is. I took her into school so everyone could meet her, especially my class, it was so much fun. No one can believe her hair as always. I think they thought I don't comb it but it just has a mind of its own! It was so nice to see my class, I know my connection with them will help the transition back. Many of my girls were in tears, knowing they miss me so much will make it easier...I hope.

Clara is now napping in her crib. I'm leaving her unswaddled since I'm not sure if it will be possible to be swaddled while she is at her sitters. I've also started to put her down for naps on her own so she is adjusted to falling asleep on her own. She is way better at it than I thought. (Knock on wood.) As long as I catch her sleepiness before it's too late she will lay on her own, holler out a few times, and in about 20 minutes be asleep. I hate not snuggling her until she falls asleep but I doubt that's what her babysitters will have time to do. Tiffany has two toddlers and one in her belly and Elisabeth has a little girl too so Clara will not have the undivided attention she has with me. That makes me so sad, I know it's good for her to be around other kids and not have instant attention but I wish it could start a little later in her life, not three months. Mommy didn't expect to be this attached, I'm "one of those moms" that I didn't think I would be. I am obsessed with her, so overly attached, love her in my arms all day long...I now understand other mommies who behave that way. I thought getting back to work would just be the next step, NOPE! I'll be counting down the days until spring break, then summer.

This picture cracks me up. This is after I dried her hair with the blow drier. Her face is even better.

This is one of my favorite outfits, from Sandy Mountain. It has an adorable sweater and hair bow that is just a little too big for now but her hair will hold it soon! The pants that came with it have two ruffles on her butt however Clara has become a pro at pooping out her diaper onto everything. Since she sprouted last her little chiky legs, as her dad and I call them, got even skinnier and her number 2 oozes out the sides and we have to overlap her tabs on her belly now. She is still too big for newborn and too skinny minny for size 1.

Bed head. Which is about the same as regular hair. It's getting so long I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I wet it down to tame it but it pops right back up.

Nap time in her crib. She sleeps longer when swaddled.

Belly Time! Yay! I couldn't catch her head at its peak but you may see her smile, crazy!

 Woke Shalimar from her snooze, both my girls were sleepy.

She is huge.

Fell asleep on her own, unswaddled. She loves to grab Jumbo Bears feet as she falls asleep. He is so soft! Thanks Aunt Brandi!

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