Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kissy Kissy Everything

My week home with this love was stupendous. She is learning so much each day, it's so fun to see. She is sweet, loving and kind. She listens well. I have many Christmas decorations out and when I say no she leaves things alone right away. She used to throw a tantrum, and if she is tired, she still may. I don't have to pull her away from anything though, she listens and then walks away and sometimes tells me what she thinks of me saying no, then moves on. If she is tired, she'll walk away and get down on the ground and cry with a big pout face that makes it SO hard not to cave. She spends the majority of her time playing with the things she's supposed to, smiling big, talking up a storm, finding the cat and wandering around the house.

Booty Shakin

I love this outfit from Aunt Lisa. This sweater reminds me of one my dad used to wear, their bellies look the same.

Helping mama in the kitchen and taking the tools all over the house.

We spend HOURS a day going around the house giving everything a kiss. Clara is such a lover and wants to kiss everything over and over. What's funny is she knows the kissy face and smooches well, but when she kisses something, she still usually has an open mouth. Daddy went to Winn Dixie to grab something quick and came back with this horse. Clara is very careful and cautious. She has always been aware if she is up high or in a place she could slip or fall. She goes slow, she hangs on to rails, and descends carefully. If she is set on the counter for a split second, she freezes knowing she is close to danger. I love this about her. She is not overly fond of riding the horse. I think it's because she feels unstable. I also put her owl on it and rock it and it falls off and she laughs, maybe that was a bad impression to give her. However, she loves to pet it and kiss it. You can also press its ears and it clacks and neighs. She'll enjoy it soon, when her feet touch the ground. Sad to say, that'll come all too fast. Good find daddy!

Sweet baby.

She says, "Cat!" all day long in a high pitched voice. She loves to find Shalimar and Shalimar is good with her. Clara can find all the cats in her books and knows just what they are when she is reading.

Kissy the cat.

Man! This cat doesn't want a kissy.

Moving on.

Big kissy face.

Kissy the owl.

Her shirt is true, she's a "Grandpa's Girl"

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