Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, November 13, 2015

November update

Being back to work has been an adjustment for sure, but it is getting easier. Melissa, our new sitter cares a lot about the kids and I'm feeling more comfortable leaving them with someone new.

Work is overwhelming, trying to pick up where someone else, (a first year teacher) left off. She did her best for sure, she was very nice and it was a much better situation than when I was on leave with Clara. It's just hard having someone else start the year and set a different tone. My students must think I'm Hitler.

Everett doesn't sleep. I think it's his breathing (or inability to breathe) that's waking him. I canceled the scope we had before since he was doing better. He needs to be put under for this procedure and I try to avoid putting him through anything else. It was supposed to be on the 17th but I've been on the horn trying to get him in sooner so he can hopefully have some relief. We are getting in today. I'm very excited and nervous all at once. I can't wait to get answers. I just hope they don't lead us down an even more challenging path. He may have his adnoids removed while the doctor is in there, I personally think that would give him space to breathe. He's constantly congested. This started when he began eating on his own. I've been told it's refulx that goes into his nose and irritates everything. Poor baby. I also scheduled a sleep study for over Thanksgiving break, if this procedure doesn't make miracles happen then at least we can get some answers there hopefully?!

Clara is a teething mess, 2 year molars are no fun. Fever the last two days.

Wish us luck and positive answers/results!

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