Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Happy 9 months Clara!

Each month I think you can't change more than the last month, and you do. You're now crawling, climbing, you have two teeth. You crawl to a coffee table, your toy box, the TV stand and pull yourself right up, your strength is great! Yowza! You're as silly as can be, intentionally making Mama and Dada laugh. When I say, "Look!" you have learned that means I have something to distract you or fun for you to play with and I can get your attention quickly and easily.

I know you in and out (even though I think I always do), but since I've been able to spend every waking moment with you during summer break I have do doubt I know every little noise, movement, and quirk. Don't worry, you still keep me on my toes, you're ever changing. However this time together has been the second best time of my life, the #1 was our first few months home together. You're favoring Mama lately since we've been together so much, I know it will be good for you to be taken care of by others again soon...even though my heart will break all over again. We have about 3 weeks left of our perfect life together, it'll never be enough.

Doctor's Visit:
We went back for the well visit on Friday and all is looking great. My measurements have on weight were off at home. I have my billion questions that I'm sure is just what a doctor wants Friday afternoon. Everyone loves to see Clara come through the door. No one can believe her hair, the length and color. You "talk" up a storm to everyone. She wasn't surprised you didn't get teeth until 8.5 months, she said it was average and 14 months is late. Thankfully no shots, just a toe prick to check your iron levels that I could easily distract you from with a toy I brought. I feel so lucky to have a healthy baby. Your iron levels were a little low but I guess that's normal for a baby transitioning to food. No one seemed concerned about it, except me of course. I guess we should start giving you steak dinners. ;)

Weight:   18.5 lb - 50%tile
Height:   29in. - 94%tile
Head:   43cm - 23%tile - this shocks daddy since he has a big head & expects you to as well, I remind him there's time! ;)

PJ's = 18 months
pants = 12 - 18 month although I squeeze you into smaller to get SOME use out of pants this summer, we have so many 9 month pants that you'll never wear bc it's summer :((
Shirts = 6 months
onesies = 12 month +
-You can fit into some 3-6 month shorts still!! Getting extra use out of those
diaper - you recently moved up to a size 3, they are a little big on your but the 2s are a little small

Eating habits:
If you wake before 7 I give you 4 oz and you go back to sleep. If you sleep until 7 then we get up and have cereal. Then before your am nap you'll have another 3-4 oz. Sometimes to help you poo I've started to give you some prune juice and water, I mix it with water about half and half. Later for lunch you'll have a packet or two of your purees, some puffs and water from a straw or cup I help pour, you love to drink this way. You still haven't figured out your sippy cups yet. Another 3-4 oz of formula before your afternoon nap. For dinner, you'll have a packet or two of purees, yogurt, puffs or table food, water, it varies depending when you nap and how much table food you can eat based on what mommy and daddy are eating. Before bed you drink another 6 oz. or so, give or take.

We're doing great with sleep! You go to bed around 7:30-8:30 still, sometimes before, or after that a little. You might get up once for a paci, especially when you're teething but it's now more common than not for you to sleep through the entire night. Our "routine" is for dada to read a book to you while I rock and feed you your bottle. I lay you down and you usually cry some, depending how tired you are, but crying is now a big part of any bedtime. Now that you're mobile, you despise sleep even more, I didn't think that was possible. I used to lay you down, you might whimper or cry but soon enough you'd be out in a minute or two. Now you roll right to your belly, pop up to sit and cry or play and or stand in your crib. Sometimes you just lay and go right to sleep and other times you just sit up and play with the edge of your nunu or blanket and fall on your face within minutes. Naps have gotten more difficult because you just don't want to quit playing. I'm always in debate if I should come in and lay you down. If you lose your paci I do and sometimes you'll stay laying and cry yourself to sleep. Other times you are relentless and you'll fall asleep playing/crying and face plant. I watch you on your monitor and you'll sit and fall on your face, then pop up, then fall on your face. When you're out I move you so you're more cozy. You've been sleeping more on your belly lately because of this. Once you're out you sleep well. You take 2-3 hour naps. Usually if you take a shorter am nap your pm nap will be longer and vice versa. Sometimes you take two long or two short naps, just depends on what you need, and you do a good job doing what your body needs. I hope you adjust to naps at your sitters okay, sometimes when I'm at aunt Tiffy's it's hard to get you to go to sleep outside of your element, but she'll do better at it than I probably. You usually sleep until 7:15 - 7:30, it's amazing. Sometimes you even play until 8 or 8:30. I wish I could sleep through that but I end up feeling guilty and going to get you to play with you or feed you. You're doing a great job little love, don't jinx mommy for saying so!

You have no new real words, still Mama, Dada and many other noises. You like to growl, you like to go back and forth growling with me. You have said no, poop, and a few others but it was all by accident.

You're still our happy baby! So very silly. You are only sad/cranky when you're tired or popping a new tooth. You're only annoyed by hunger if you sleep until 7 or after and are "starving", mommy has to get on it! You're not entertained by anything for long periods of time like you used to be. You really like/need to be on the go. You're most content when we are around your cousins and you have others to watch and play with. You love your cousins and I'm so thankful we live so close and get to be together on a regular basis. (-Elsa, boooh!!!!) They take good care of you too. When it's you and I, and I'm out of sight you're better on your own. If you can hear me doing dishes or I walk by putting laundry away you want to be with me and crawl after me. So I stop and we play. I try and find the happy medium between letting you play independent and playing with you. It's about 70% playing and 30% trying to get things done or just being in the room while you play. Most of the time if I'm just near you, you'll be content much longer, even if I'm not interacting with you, like right now I'm blogging while you're playing so great on your own. I love so much that you've been an independent baby, not really needing someone to entertain you. However, I do love to play with you and it's getting more and more fun. I know interaction is how you learn best but never want you to need someone to entertain you, I love how well you do that yourself. I know you'll need much more interaction soon! When we play we race and crawl to your balls, I race at you and you giggle up a storm in anticipating of me "getting" you, we climb on couch cushions, we read books, we stack blocks and get everything out of your toy chest, we dance and sing, we take strolls in your stroller and with your car, we converse, we go to the park and swing, we also swing at home, we swim, I can't WAIT for the day we snuggle, it will be one of the most favorite moments in my life!!! You're so fun to play with but I love your independence too. Now that you're all over I can't walk away for long in fear of your hurting yourself on something but I like to let you "learn the hard way" to a degree so you know what you're capable of and what to stay away from. When I step back and let you do things on your own, I see how fast you learn and don't cry out for help from me and your confidence grows greatly. It didn't take you long to realize how to sit from standing, stand from sitting, move from one side of the table to another, etc. It was hard not to race to you each time you fell. I would cheer when you fell so you didn't think it was a bad thing, you looked at me like, "Why the heck are you cheering?!" Now you fall down and hop right back up without a thought. You do not like to crawl on the tile so that deters you a little, very little. On tile you crawl with one leg down, always your right leg and you stay on your left foot. I need to get that on video, it's cute. You are pretty good at staying in the living room. After making forts with the Feger boys I realized that's the environment you need. We need to get things torn apart so you can climb and explore, I do that with you but I can tell it's not as fun for you as when Tyler is crawling around with you. You know how to throw a ball, you sometimes release too soon and it goes behind you. Daddy and I play Patty Cake with you, you LOVE that. I beg him as soon as he walks through the door to sit and do your hands for you. You have yet to dance along to music, you don't look at me in embarrassment now, you just smile when I dance. At times you'll bounce your legs while standing but you've yet to really get into it. You give kisses all the time now, open mouth still! I love your wet kisses so much. Sometimes I even get some tongue, get it out of your system now!  You cheer when mommy or daddy comes home from being away. You HATE to float on your back in the pool so daddy gave up on that and we've been teaching you to swim instead. You despise anything on your back now, it's so hard to change your diaper. I've mastered getting one on while you're crawling away. Now that you know how to crawl and move that's all you want to do, standing too. You end up taking in too much water in the pool. You've been doing the cute inhale through your nose when you're excited and you don't hold your breath. Your first two weeks in the pool months ago were way better than now. I think daddy and I are just going to enjoy the fun we have in the pool this summer and he'll teach you next summer. You love to put your face in, sometimes you hold your breath and other times not. You love to swim under water to mommy and back to daddy. You kick your legs like a little frog, both at the same time in the same motion. You like crawling to the edge on the first step, you keep your head out on your own pretty good. You make us laugh all day, you're such great entertainment. We love you so much! We find ourselves talking about you the moment you go to bed, gazing at you from the monitor. We love every moment with you little girl, you are our biggest love.

rifling through your toy chest
throwing/rolling balls back and forth
anything on the go
playing with others/lots of watching others
crawling from location to location in the living room and standing up at new spots
seeing Mama or Dada after they get home from being away
playing in your crib
chasing Shalimar - she lets you get close and touch her then she's off!
slapping faces - this is your "Hello I like you/love you, I'm excited"
being on the go

being changed - clothes or diaper
anything on your back or where you need to be still for a minute
when I rinse your hair in the tub
when I wipe your face

I took her pictures outside, and put Clara in the shade of our new coconut palm so there are some bad shadows. Oh well. It's pretty out there. This is my last set of stickers, crazy a year is sneaking up. I also used the giraffe Aunt Susie got her as a toy to get her to sit up and play with something instead of crawl all over the lawn.

And begin...I added a string to the giraffe so I could play with it and capture her attention better. As you can see, the moment she hits the floor she's off.

Wait...there's grass under here?

She still lays like a bity baby with her feet up, love it.

Time flies...9 months already.


I had a few morbid looking pics of her hanging her giraffe, I must have deleted them. This one is as bad as I had left. Not sure the string was such a "cute" idea for the pics.

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