Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

week 38 July 7th - we have a teether

Pretty normal week. Just watchin kids, cleanin house, running errands, finally making dinner again, getting in a few workouts at home. A nice calm week with not too much crammed in.

This poor little baby is finally getting some teeth. There is one for sure coming through on the bottom right (facing her), I do think there is another on the left as well. She has been in so much pain, yet still pretty happy. We cannot just stay at home though, she needs to be distracted. If we're at home she is needy, she wants to be in my arms, then down, then arms, then down. The good and bad thing about her being sad is when she cries out in pain she cries "Mamamama". I haven't heard that since she first said it months ago. She went on a week or two rant of "Mama" her first word, and then has been Dada ever since Father's Day. I'm sure it's just coincidence she doesn't know it's me yet, but it's so nice to hear her "fake" call me when she needs me. It breaks my heart at the same time. I have the amber necklace on that my friend Kate (FL - west coast - I have many Kate friends) gave me. I'm not sure that it's helping much, but I'm going to give it a little more. Both my Kate friends with babies swear by them. Merrissa uses teething tablets for her little gem and those work for her. I haven't decided if those are working yet or not. I finally caved and gave her a little Tylenol, less than the recommended amount. She snapped back to herself in no time.

I have yet to capture a pic of the tooth. Soon I hope. Here are some random pics from this week.

"Hi cousin Julia, I want to play!"

Can't let her excited hands get close at all.

I gave her a headband in attempt to distract her. Never works but it keeps one hand full which makes grabbing/moving a tad harder.

Love this.

"Mom, I told you I don't want these on!"

Happy Julia

"Yay, daddy's home to play!"

Random pics from Andre's phone I finally got:

Rainy day looking out...
She loves Teddy as much as I.

I don't even remember if I blogged our day at the park a while back. If so, oops. Andre had fun with Clara on the slide. He squeaked all the way down, outch.

We took a jog around the park, around the lake then went to PDQ for lunch. Nice little Sundee.

Andre and I went out on our first date since we had Clara. Wow. Only took 8.5 months. We enjoy our time together so much we don't choose to get away much. We should more, it was very relaxing. Lisa watched Clara. We went to a place on the beach and wanted to go for a walk or put-put after but it was raining so it was a quick date but still very nice. Andre treated me, he is the sweetest.

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