Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, July 20, 2014

week 39

This past weekend we enjoyed some outside time. Andre picked weeds, I tried, Clara tried, we had a bevvy and enjoyed the evening. Not sure if in a previous post I mentioned that two wooden spoons taped together is her favorite toy. I taped them together so she won't poke an eye out with an end.

Lots of drool and puke, still teething.

Look dada, I can help!


so small

The girl I tutor(ed), Meg, went to Thailand with her mom and brought back this dress and shoes for Clara. She wasn't in the greatest mood, here. Ready for a nap. But I tried. We will need a take 2.

My friend Siobhan and family got her this cute outfit. It was finally cool enough today for her to have it on. You can see it's rainy and dreary in the butterfly garden. I know Elsa will get much use this winter.

She loved pulling at the plants and playing with the flowers I picked for her.

Messy Piggies, she hates when I touch her hair so it's a challenge to get something to look good.

"Thanks Mama, these are pretty!"

I wanted to get her standing facing forward to see the cute sweatshirt, so hard with her moving like she does. The grass is wet and she's not so sure about it.

I like a shot from the distance to show how small she is, her little butt, I just want to squeeze it.

I don't like this wet grass anymore Mama.

But I'm easily distracted.

My friend Nicole gave us this neat, fun car. It was a nice overcast day to go for a stroll. She loves it.

Looking both ways before crossing the sidewalk.

haha. so small.

Mama, stop taking pictures and push me.

This is how she rode most of the time. I love the hand on the leg.

Yes, I got every angle, can't get over the position.

Elsa, stop growing, you're looking so different already!

Just when I think she's learning Spanish, so into her DVD's I read babies learn nothing from them. Great.

Walk at the beach, my lady and I.

Mama had to pee, so we took a dip. Her first time more than toes in the Gulf. She loved it. She loved the waves coming in, again and again. I took her to the shore to let her stand in the shallow waters, she was afraid of the rushing water. I tried sitting with her, she still wasn't comfortable. I took her back out deep and she wasn't as calm as before now that she noticed she could still hear the rushing water. She was tired too. That didn't help. We went home. It was a good trip.

Cuba Lake, I got this from Sister Seerah's fb page.

Thanks to our broken AC we had to skip out on Jo-Jo and Dan's wedding. It stunk. I wanted to see her, and the family. I knew it was going to be an amazing day. It was perfect, it looked perfect. This ski ride up took guests to the ceremony. Too neat!

Suz, dan's friend, Sarah

They look perfect.

Their photographer was amazing.
 A stop to meet Elsa. Wish I could be there.

So cute!

Beautiful family.

Brandi went to one of Kylie's games.

Clara like a big girl out to dinner.

Daddy with too much time on his hands.

Visiting Aunt Becky and her friendly cats.

Seeing dada off to work.

Lately Clara wants to be picked up and entertained. She crawls over to my legs and crawls up them. I love her new mobile self.

Some new toys. I had some great coupons and Clara has needed a few new things to entertain her. She is so entertained with other kids around, she is bored at home with just me. We have to be on the go, or playing together, she no longer sits tight and plays for long periods of time. She wants to go and do, my busy body.

In this picture she is mad that I put her behind the front part where the fun is.

I love you Clara Beara!

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