Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

10 months old

Happy Birthday Little Pumpkin!

Only two more months before you're ONE! How is this possible? You're crawling all over, climbing on everything. Daddy taught you how to take steps last week behind your pink walker toy.

Teeth: 3 - two on bottom and one snaggle on the top left. You had a low grade fever for two days this week, maybe a bunch more are on their way.

Words: Mama, Dada, Wow, CAT! You love to chase Shalimar around the house. She teases you and will go a few feet and lay, wait for you to get there, then run when you do and you crack up laughing. This process could go on for hours. When she lets you get close you don't touch right away, you sit and laugh at her. Once or twice she has let you reach out, you're not very gentle yet so I doubt she'll continue to let you do that for long. If I say, "duck" you say the "ck". Your "language" is ever changing and I am always hearing more and more sounds. I don't think it will be long before we hear more words.

Clothes: The sizes are about the same. Your 18 mo. pj's are fitting perfect, they'll be snug very soon and your 24 mo. pj's fit you already and give you a little more space to move. You still don't wear shoes. I'm hoping you'll start to leave them on soon since you'll need them soon. I don't try often, there's really no point.

Eating habits: same. You do eat many more solids, you usually eat off of our plates at dinner, and prefer it. It is me that's making you take it slow. You eat English Muffins, rice, salmon, mashed potato, chicken, beef, fruit, well cooked veggies, etc. Anything you can gum.

Sleeping: about the same. It's about 50/50 if you wake up for your bottle at 5-6 but you usually sleep until 7 or later. If you drink your bottle you go back to sleep, or wake up ready for cereal. Now that you're at your babysitters during the day your naps aren't as long. You're getting adjusted to your new place and routine. You are doing a great job sticking to your schedule for the most part. Dada and I are talking about ditching the paci soon. Not sure when. From what I read it's at least a 3 - 4 day no sleep routine. You only wake for it once or twice usually. However, if I don't get up to get it for you, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't go right back to sleep. Time will tell. We're only giving it to you for sleeping now. In the next month or two we will have to bite the bullet but I can't think of a time that I'll be ready for no sleep.

I think you have good coordination. You palm things well, and your reflexes are quick. You anticipate well. You also are smart and careful when doing something new. In the kitchen you open the cupboards and drawers with caution, knowing while standing you'll fall over if you do it fast when they give towards you. When things move when  you try and stand up you adjust.

You laugh at things you don't understand. Daddy does funny things with his hands, or your toys and it lights you up and die laughing. You force a fake laugh all day, it's so funny but things that intrigue you make you laugh for real. You are always interested in what is going on. You are persistent You are very aware of your surroundings You know you make us laugh and do it on purpose. You'll make a serious straight face and we will laugh at you and you keep it straight, trying so hard not to crack a smile knowing we find you funny.

-crawling all around the house discovering new things and places
-chasing the cat
-playing with your toys in the living room with mommy and daddy
-your car
-being outside
-looking out the window at daddy's beautiful work
-watching your Spanish video
-banging your hands on everything
-snuggling with your nunu
-being read to
-being chased
-when we tickle you
-playing in the tub and splashing
-my teddy

-laying on your back, so changing your diaper, getting dress or rinsing your hair in the tub are no fun. So, I diaper you while you're on the move or standing, and dress you the same way.
-having your face wiped off
-being contained (sometimes)
-things being taken away from you
-being left alone for long periods of time
-sitting still

We fall more in love with you each day. You are the love of our lives. We love you!!!


 It seems just yesterday you only took up a small amount of this blanket.

I love your top snaggle tooth.

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