Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

week 41 - last week before school starts :((( Aug 5

So, I may have two week 41's. I get updates on my phone from "What to Expect" and that's how I know which week Clara is at, and I must have gotten ahead of the game, or at least I think I have two week 41's. Anyway, I could do the math but who has the time. So if my weeks get mixed up, forgive me.

How the end of summer for me is here, I've not a clue. It didn't fly by, but the end came fast, if that makes sense?! It feels like forever ago that I was in NY. Elsa is TOO big, it's insane, and sad. I need to kiss her face, hands and feet. I didn't have many high expectations for the summer. I knew I'd be watching the Feger crew, going to NY, Luiz's 40th. I meant to finish my calendar with everyone's birthday, anniversary, etc and am not done with that. It's so hard, I know I'm forgetting people and need to make a master list and check it against what I have. So hard, time consuming. Andre and I need to redo the pictures on the fridge, that's a summer to do. We had one picture of Clara up, she's almost 1. Wow. So I took them all down and we both avoid the task. Very time consuming. Also, we probably should only put up about half so she can't reach so when she starts walking we don't have to take half down. We got most of our baby proofing done, we have her "caged" in the living room. It's not really necessary now but will be when she's walking around and I'm making dinner and Andre is cutting the lawn. It'll be nice to know she's in one location that's safe for her. We still need to put alarms on doors and windows and if I get my way, we'll also have a fence around the pool soon. I saw friends, played with Clara a ton, played with cousins a ton, took two naps this summer, not one day did I sleep past 7:30 which is fine, that is sleeping in these days. It's only about an hour more than our old "sleeping in" time. As long as it's light, I'm ready to get up. Clara has rocked the summer sleeping until recently. She's had some trouble the last few nights, also spitting up during the day more. I don't sense teeth, maybe a stomach bug.

I got an email today with all my going back to work info. I'm back in a portable. My boss called part way through the summer saying I'd be in the building, it was amazing. Then he called back to say, never mind. Not my favorite news. I don't mind a portable, but this one doesn't have a bathroom. Yuck. Waste of time when the kids go and, um, hello, teachers pee too! With my IBS it's also a comfort to know there is one close if I need it. Now it'll be a lawsuit if I have to rush out and leave my kids behind. Also, when we have even slightly heavy rain or any bad weather we have to go into the building which yes, means that we have to walk through the rain first. Then barge in on another class that gets to continue teaching while we do what!?! Florida, they really don't think through things well here. Anyway, that's the least of my concerns. I'm dreading leaving Clara. Looping helps, I'm excited to see how big the kids have gotten and will feel less guilty about being away from her since I'm with kids I adore and families who love me. I have a schedule which leaves me 3 hours to get my entire classroom ready. We have 6 days before kids come and they leave teachers 3 hours to: get an entire packed up classroom unpacked and ready, plan for the first week, plan for open house, make copies, clean the room and set up desks and stations for learning centers. I used to be able to go in early before school started and stay late. This school doesn't open early and I have to leave to get Clara at 3. Who the heck thinks any teacher, regardless of putting in outside hours, is capable of doing all of that in three hours. The rest of the time we'll spend in useless training and meetings. For the planning and such, I can do that over the weekend, but my time is still so limited. I was always a great teacher because I put in twice the work. It's been a challenge feeling like that same great teacher when there isn't enough time in a day. I'm also sad that I'm not attached to Lisa anymore. We always kept each other sane having one another only a few feet away with our classrooms attached. Now I will never see her. It's amazing you can work in the same building with some people and literally see them two times a year. We will obviously make a point to see one another but I'll miss her. On a positive note, I'm glad I have a job. Hehe. I'm glad to be looping again. I'm happy with the team I am on. They seem like they are sweet, helpful, and get down to business, not wasting a minute. One of the guys is from Buffalo. I think this is his last year teaching. We talk about the Bills, I guess I should watch a game so I can converse with him for real. The other teachers are really nice, young and easy going. Each start of the year it is stressful and I wonder how it'll all get done and it does. However, things have changed so much with Clara, it's a different story. I'll figure it out and it'll be another great year.

I've emailed Elisabeth and Tiffany all about Clara. So unnecessary. I overdo it. I can't help myself. They are both such great mommies but I feel like if I can give them all these helpful tips about her it will be less for them to figure out and maybe help keep Clara content?! That's what I tell myself. The good news is they read it all and don't make me feel silly for being so over the top. They are so very sweet to me and it means the world to me she is in good hands. Nothing could make my transition back to work easier than knowing she is with people that want her there and care about her a lot. They are having to revamp their homes to baby proof for a mobile baby who puts everything in her mouth. They are setting their own kids toys aside to make sure she is safe away from small pieces. They have things like high chairs which Elisabeth doesn't need and pack-n-plays which take up space in their house just for her. It means a lot to me, everything really. I'll miss her dearly but being around her with her cousins myself this summer I see how much she really enjoys being around other kids. I also think it's important for her to learn to share and not have 100% of the attention all the time. When I have the Feger crew, even Julia, Clara sometimes takes a back seat when others have needs obviously. I think it's important for her to adapt to not getting my attention the moment she needs/wants it. Thankfully she is very independent, even home alone with no kids to play with, so I know she'll be in heaven with friends/family. I'll miss her dearly though. I've loved every single moment home with her, watching her learn and grow. There is something new everyday, even if it is silly, but I love learning her first. I'll miss you Clara Beara!!! There's no where in the world I'd rather be than with you.

I'll try and do my best to keep up with blogging, although going back to work will take much of my time outside of school while Clara sleeps which is when I usually blog. Andre and I got into Dexter this summer and I'll miss watching that to make time to blog, grade, plan, etc.

Last Thursday with the Fegers
Tiffany got the boys cool crystals to "grow". We had fun with it. Dylan did his right, I need to try it again so we can get Tyler and Isaac's right too. I helped them and messed it up. Oops.

I brought some mini boxes for them to paint. Perfect for their new crystals.

Can't get over his cuteness, his hair, his skin, his little hand painting. Love this baby.

Jeff's bday! We went out to a comedy club in Tampa to see "Chloe" from 24. She was okay, but her opening acts were better. Andre has those pics on his phone, we'll need to add.

Clara fell asleep mid crawl, notice her left foot and hand in position.

Julia's cute face and expression.

Ana and Theresa on their way to see Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland!!! So jelly! Miss my this beautiful face.

All caged in. She really doesn't notice since we spend most of our time in here with her. I leave the door open so she doesn't get upset and can crawl out which she rarely does. I'm sure this will be necessary soon, if she doesn't rip them out of the walls first just playing. This little girl has some mighty big muscles.


Handsome daddy. Cute baby.

Last week.

Julia has changed so much in the small amount of time I've been with her. You'd think I'd get used to that and expect it, nope, it happens too fast. She is such a great baby. I take simple eating, drinking, pooping notes for Tiffany but neglected to tell her the "good" stuff so this is what I emailed her today since it was my last day with her baby girl and Clara alone without the boys.

So you get to know Julia:

"Just wanted to say how awesome my Tuesdays have been with your sweet pea. She is a mini you. She is smiley and happy all day. She is sweet and calm. She is attentive and playful. She pays attention to her surroundings and is really getting strong. Today we played toys with her in the bumbo, CLara was cracking up at her in it. I guess she didn't realize she could sit up in there. Clara loves having her with us. I always have Julia fake kiss Clara on the head (since I don't trust to do it the other way with Clara's slap happy hands.) and they both smile so big and love it. I got a video today of them "talking" to each other in the back seat. It was amazing. They seriously took turns and had a conversation. Julia makes life easy, she is so laid back. She may want to snuggle me but I'm SO very game for it, I miss those days so bad and loves that she lets me. When people say it flies by, it sure does. Clara is starting to snuggle more now too, I can't wait until she does for REAL for real. Julia is very strong, her neck has been for a while but her little leggies hold her right up. She is no longer "baby" where she lets me hold her cradled. She wants to be up seeing the world for herself, and her crazy cousin Clara. She fusses to tell me she is hungry or tired, however there is never a moment I can't make her happy, even if I'm not spot on when I try and read her cues. She is so patient. Anyway, I gave you the day to day with her but on my phone I don't take the time to type up the fun stuff since it's so time consuming to type on a phone. I should have all along. Anyway, it all went by too fast. At least I'll get my hands on her THursday. Thanks for the cute outfits today. I'll get the onesie washed and back to you Thursday. Not that you're in a rush. ;) Thanks for the bow for now too, love the color! You have such a wonderful little angel, thanks for sharing her."

On her way to the camera.

She took this one of herself while grabbing the camera. She's gotten really good with technology, on purpose. Not only does this little bugger know how to get Siri to talk to her and wake up my phone, today, she figured out how to turn her monitor on. She's been playing with the power button enjoying the clicking noise it makes and watches it light up green. However, you have to hold the power button down for about 10 seconds hard to make it turn on. I noticed it was on and shut it off, and again, she turned it on. I thought it was an accident, nope. She knows. I'm waiting for her to realize the button on the top of the monitor turns the screen on and off. I tried showing her that but self discovery seems to work best at her age. I'm sure it won't be long.

This is a small mess in our living room. Usually all the toys are strewn throughout the entire living room so she's keeping it contained here. I love our new "mess" and I love watching her pick out toys on her own.

"This is good."

"Hmmm, which one?"

Altazara came over to visit. This is Elisabeth's daughter who watches Clara for me two days a week. Altazara is a little sweetie. I can't believe how much she's grown this summer. I had my camera to take more pics but was talking and my hands full of Clara. Darn. The good news is Elisabeth will take pictures for me when she goes to play!

Sunset through the front window. CHECK OUT MY TEETH!!

 Shadow puppets with dada.

After the camera again.

Loves the fish

Back to today. My last day with my two girls.

Tiffany sent the cute outfits, and Clara's hair bow she made of course. As I was taking these Julia pooped out her diaper into her onesie and about one minute after I put the camera down Clara spit up on her shirt. So take 2 didn't happen.

Julia didn't want to lay back, but I snapped a quick one of them piled on each other. Sorry Julia.Clara loved having her on her, and was gentle!! :)
 Silly girl. She has this fake laugh she has had for months now, since about 5 months old she will fake laugh all day at things. I need to capture this!!

Always after the camera.

Showing Julia her toys.

A few videos from this week:

We went out to run errands which is impossible, not because I have two babies but because they get so much attention people stop and want to talk about them. So cute. Tiffany and I are so thankful for our cuties. On the drive home they were having some serious conversation.

Warning: in the video I call Julia, Elsa. I'm so bad with mixing up names. I do it in my classroom, with the Feger boys, with Clara and Julia. I hope to never offend anyone, heckem...Tiffy. ;)

I must preface this video with the fact that I do not, repeat, do not, let Clara play with toys such as big plastic hangers around Julia. However, as I was getting my phone set up she grabbed them and I started to record and they started to do cute things and I didn't want to stop to take them away, make Clara cry and ruin the moment. Clara has yet to hurt Julia, I keep her at a safe distance unless I'm taking pictures or videos since her slap happy hands can hurt. No one was injured in this video. ;) I think you can hear Clara's fake laugh for a second in this one, not the full on fake laugh, but a little of her fake silliness.
Still such a silly character. Loves to interact, play and laugh. We could do this all day with her, it would never get old, for either of us.
Nice cold summer treat.
We want Elsa to move here!!!!!!! Here are some Cuba pics.
Miss these faces, thanks for sending Sister.

Just look at her. It kills me. She is so adorable and I can't pick her up. The slips. The outfit. Brandace, I need her in my arms stat.

So I'm seriously weirdly needing this face so I zoomed in (why it's blurry) and kiss her face on my phone on a regular basis. I love you Elsa Rose!

This one Tiffy and I need to photo shop into the one of our girls in this outfit that Bran sent.

Daddy clipping Elsa's nails and Zummy's sweet smile I miss!

Enjoying summer. This girl has been on the boat since WEEK 1 people!
Took her shots like a champ! Look at the smile, this is the first I've seen it. Melts my heart. I never know who babies look like, ever. But, for some reason she looks like Jonny to me in this pic. No clue why.

Her poor little chicky legs.

Saved the best for last. Her Pj's. Brandi felt bad for laughing at her. I said she's laughing with her, since Elsa will be laughing about this one day, then yelling at Brandi for dressing her up in it. I honestly think it's cute. How could she not make anything look cute?!?!


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