Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I recently added a video to Clara's 9 months post.

Here are a few videos of her on the move, not great ones. The best one I had I must have not pushed record and blew it. ;) I'll try again soon. I even had her two teeth in the one I didn't record, dang.

This one is Clara and Julia. She loves when Julia is here. She wants to play so bad. Soon Clara! My only worry with Clara is she slaps faces when she is excited, I have no idea where this came from, she hits hard too. So, I'm extra careful when she is anywhere near Julia, or others for that matter.

This one is of Clara and Tyler. Clara is trying to get in the pack-n-play and Tyler is trying to get out. Part way through I thought, hmmm, I should stop videoing and make sure they don't get hurt. But I didn't. The Feger boys are like monkeys, I have much faith in their abilities, but you'll see it was a close one. It shows how sweet Tyler is. He gives her toys, requests help for her to get in, then he runs ahead of her anticipating her next move and closes the door to the play room where small toys are. Tyler still loves his Clara Beara. I am shaking a rattle to get her to crawl to me, I clearly go unnoticed.


  1. did Tyler knee her in the head though? sorry. at least he was giving her toys. we've talked about him sharing with her. Maybe he doesn't see her as a little baby any more since Julia is a baby. I don't know. Julia kept looking at the screen to hear Clara's 9 month laughing video :) she's on my lap. oh. she just got poopy AGAIN. i know she had blow outs at your house today. i changed another poopy one this evening already. What a sweet video you took of our girls :) clara is so cute!

  2. No, of course he didn't knee her, they are all monkeys with six packs and cut arms that have moves like ninjas. ;) Julia had lots to get out of her system today! I'm sure Tyler will be fond of "Beara" again, he said we should call her only Beara since that's what he named her. I like it. He shows his love in the video, that's why I'm so glad I captured it!! Love that our girls are already "clucking" as Andre would call it. ;)
