Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I've posted about Nancy before. She is our wonderful neighbor. I don't know how people like her come into my life but I'm very thankful for her and those that give me/us so much.

Almost daily, Nancy texts me to let her know when I get some so she can bring us her gourmet meals. I wish I could list what she brings, but I wouldn't do them justice, the titles are so specific I'd mess them up, and the variety is endless. She prepares these Italian meals that taste divine, everything she makes is amazing. She makes most everything from scratch. I had planned on taking lessons this past summer, but somehow it got away from us both. She brings desserts too! I seriously walk through the door, and in she comes with dinner. I don't think I'd be able to find the time these days to cook. I don't know how people do it all. I get home around 4ish, I want to spend all my time playing with Clara, she starts her bedtime routine at 7-7:30 so my time with her is so limited. I'd never spend it in the kitchen anyway. If Clara naps I can clean the house or now do school work. We are so spoiled by Nancy.

She brings back surprises for us when she goes on vacation. She watches Clara in a pinch when Andre and I need a 15 minute babysitter so he can go to vball while I'm stuck trying to leave work. She is there for us at the drop of a hat.

The part that I will not understand is how she does it all. We're not the only lucky ones that she spoils. She has a teenage daughter that is on the go. She has company on a regular basis as of late and STILL brings us food.

The hardest part is, I want to give back to her and I'll never be able to repay all the favors. I say this to my friend Lisa all the time, she also spoils me (us) rotten. My hope is to be like them. Later, when Clara is grown and I have time on my hands, I hope to be able to give back to them. Also, pass on to someone else what they've given to me.

Nancy, not only are you feeding our bellies with delectable dishes. You're giving me time with Clara that I wouldn't have, even if I only spent 15 minutes warming a premade gross frozen dinner. I have all my time to be with her, it means everything to me. It is the best gift anyone could give me.

Thank you. We love you.

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