Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Car seat challenge. Of course he had to poop part of the way through, he hates poopy pants. He got upset for a little bit and I had to swing him for about 15 minutes back to sleep. My workout for the day.

I have not seen Andre or Clara in days. I have not wanted to get what Andre has, and I have had Clara with Mimi so she doesn't get it either. We all miss each other so much. Andre brought Clara to the hospital last night for about an hour so we could all be together. it has been one of my happiest moments in some time. I will not know what to do with myself when we are all in the comfort of our own home.

Clara has a good chokehold on her brother, get used to it little man, I can't wait to have you home and watch their interaction all day! He is not so sure in this picture.

 He looks a tad more relaxed here.

He may just be enjoying himself at this point. I love my babies!

"Ear! Ear! Ear!" Clara shouts and pokes!

My world! 

"And you people wonder why I am taking my sweet time getting out of here?!" You can just see the exhaustion on his face thinking about being around her 24/7. in my mind I hear him saying, "Oh shit!"

I took Clara to Mimi's on Sunday morning so that Andre could rest, and hopefully we could prevent her from getting sick. She stayed the night since Mimi was going to watch her on Monday anyway. I snuck over for a visit on Monday when Everett was asleep. Mimi only lives 10 minutes away from the hospital. Mimi mentioned she tried to put Clara down for a nap but she kept crying out for mommy and daddy. She never does this. So Mimi took her back out knowing I was coming. We played for a little while. Mimi made me a grilled cheese and tomato soup lunch. It was the best feel good meal I have had in years! Being in her home takes all of my worries away. Being under "Mimi care" is the best place to be! I asked Clara if she wanted to go take a nap with mommy and she was willing. We layed down together and I did "ladybug" on her, a thing we do. It put her right to sleep, she has not fallen asleep in my arms in I don't know when. It was just what the doctor ordered for both of us. Of course I couldn't sleep, but I stared at her pale sweet face for an hour and a half before I went back to the hospital. Pure bliss. I miss you sweet baby! 

I need to think Mimi for taking care of Clara for two days in a row. She must be exhausted. Also to Lisa for buying a pack and play for Mimi's house.  Lisa also came to be with me at the hospital for the surgery that did not happen. I haven't a clue what I would do without the two of them in my life. I love you both so much!

My everything! Nunu too of course. Clara put the piece of felt around him and calls it a seatbelt. She says, "Nunu, seatbelt, safe!"

My other everything, when I return to the hospital.

Chug a lug!!!

Let's go home!

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