Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"I ain't Krissim"

Kristin has saved me on countless occasions. She has wanted to move to FL or at least move south for a while now.  However, I was beyond thrilled when I heard the news that she was taking the job offered to her. She came down to help me when Clara was born, and came back to help more. She came down as soon as she knew Everett was sick, she was debating on coming right when he was born or soon after to help once we got home. As soon as she heard he was sick, she was here. I know part of her drive to live here is to help, even though I reminded her that shouldn't be a reason. She saves me. She saves my energy and my sanity. She is the biggest help. When I feel sorry for myself, knowing if my mom were alive, she'd be the one here making my life easier...I stop. And I thank my mom for giving me my big sister. She has done so much for me in these past few years, the last few months in particular I couldn't ever repay her. I (we) love her with my whole heart and haven't a clue what we'd do without her. I'm constantly sorry she's away from her kids, Kristopher will be here soon. I'm sorry she's not there to see Gramp, I know that's got to be so hard on him. I'm sorry for Mark, I don't think moving to FL was in his plans. I promise I didn't beg, I only supported her desire as I would any desire she had in life. I'll be forever thankful. 

Andre made her this sign. We had the intention of having this done well before she got here and somehow the weekend got away from us. He had to hurry to finish it so he wrote in cursive at the bottom. He clearly hasn't done that in a while. It was fun, it turned into her new nickname. "Aint Krissim" He was attempting to write "Aunt Krissin" since that's what Clara calls her. 

He brought home white out the next day and did what he could to fix it.

Aint Krissim not only helps me with cleaning, dishes, dinner, laundry...the endless mom list. She loves my babies dearly. She is patient and kind. She is funny and walks with Clara whenever she says, "I walk, COME ON Aunt Krissin, follow me!" with such excitement to have her here herself. She plays when she is tired. She helps me make big and little decisions about my babies. She understands what I'm going through and supports me in anything she doesn't. She doesn't judge how I raise my babies or how I keep my house, she'll do it all my way. She doesn't tell me I'm doing anything wrong as a mommy even though I know she'd do things differently. She listens to my fears and "problems". She buys delicious sweets that I can't avoid and gets sucked into all of our stupid reality TV shows we watch. She laughs at Andre since I find his humor old which he enjoys. (Sorry love, I'm laughing deep down on the inside still, promise! I just know what you're going to say at all times so the punch line isn't as effective.) She laughs with me through the hard times and makes me smile. We do things alike, we eat alike (I eat way more, but I love that it's clear we were raised the same), we laugh the same, sound the same and look the same. We joke that "sister wives" makes so much sense. A woman's job is not a one person load. I don't know where I'd be without her. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're selfless and everything I've needed these past few months, and then some. I love you dearly Aint Krissim.

Some random pics...

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