Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Monday, August 17, 2015

Everett Update

We went to ENT pediatric specialist today. I was hoping it would be helpful. It wasn't. She didn't even look at him breathe until I asked her to. She remarked about how much he was retracting. Then didn't offer up much. She thinks it may have something to do with his reflux. She thinks it could be due to his low tone. Again, he wasn't breathing like this all along so I don't understand that explanation. She said we could do a scope, it wouldn't been an in office one. They'd want to go deeper so he'd need to go to the operating room to get some gas so he'd be still. She thinks we should wait until he's seen GI and give it a few weeks to see if it improves after seeing them. I certainly do not want to put Everett through anything unnecessary. I explained to her that I've spoken to 4 professionals at this point. Everyone is seeing what I'm noticing but not thinking much of it, but passing us along to the next person. I told her I thought I would get somewhere today. I asked her when should I worry since I'm seeing things that are making me nervous but no one is really responding to it. She basically said unless babies are turning blue or having spells, not much is done. His anatomy might need time to grow. His reflux might need some improvement in order for his breathing to, but that's a big unknown. Needless to say, she feels confident that he needs more time so that's what we'll do. We go to GI Wednesday. I'm really hoping we start to get something helpful out of all of these appointments.

He has been eating better with his reflux medicine. I'm hoping it continues. I don't bank on anything these days. It seems we continue to take one small step forward and a LARGE one back. :/

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