Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stats - Clara 18 months Everett 2 months

I never put Clara's stats after her 8 month checkup. Oops.

She was:
60th for weight at 23 lbs. 7.75oz
90th for height at 33.5 in
54th for head at 46.5 cm

Everett only gained 2 oz at this visit. At two months he was:

Downs growth chart:
weight 75th percentile 11 lbs.
length 74th 22.5 in
head 50th at 37 cm

I didn't realize Down syndrome babies grew at a different rate so they have their own chart. I asked for his stats for "regular" babies growth chart too, just to see where he fell.

weight: 21st
length: 25th
head: 5th

I try not to care about where either of them fall. Usually I'm just curious, but now that he's not gaining fast enough I want to see where he falls for health reasons. Everyone looks at him, as I did, and doesn't understand why he needs to gain so much since he is such a chunker. It is a calculation the doctors do based on their age and stats...checking how much he is gaining doesn't just tell us if he's gaining weight, it determines how nourished he is which clearly impacts his brain development which is now why I'm a fanatic about weight gain myself.

It's such a silly thing to compare our kids to one another so much. Yet it's so hard not to do since society tells us to. To a degree that's what we do our entire lives, compare ourselves to times. A bad habit for sure. It's not going to change anything, they're going to grow as big or small as their supposed to just like we did. Rant over.

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