Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, June 9, 2013

1 Year Anniversary!

Neither of us can believe it's already been a year, it flew by! This past year has been so much more relaxing than last. As happy as we were to marry one another I think we both enjoyed today as much as we did our wedding day, in a different way.

Last night we went to Slyce where we had our rehearsal dinner. We were continuing to celebrate Steven's birthday month. It was delicious food still and it was pouring down rain as it was one year ago! We came home and watched the video Steven & Tiffany made us for our wedding. They did such a nice job. I'm going to try and add it for everyone to view. We are so thankful they put this together for us, it must have taken FOREVER! Thanks Steven & Tiffany!!


We started our day watching the Sunday Morning Show that Ana got us into after sleeping in some. Neither Andre or myself enjoy the news as it's so depressing so we love to have some "news" we both enjoy. We made our breakfasts and enjoyed a nice slow morning. We then went to get pedicures. I was excited to not be the one to scrub off Andre's calloused feet and he picked out a nice bright summer color for my toes. We then headed to get my rings cleaned and BOY do they sparkle! I love Andre's taste and my wedding band and engagement ring will always be my favorite, even when eyeing hundreds more in the store. He did me well and I'm very thankful! We then went to grab lunch at Jimmy John's, my choice, yum! He treated us to a couples massage and let me tell you, my back was thankful. Following the massage we went to a nice matinĂ©e to see The Great Gatsby which we both liked a lot. We were going to grab dinner but our popcorn tided us over enough and for dinner we enjoyed chocolate chip cookies and ice cream instead! I need to eat as early as possible so I can attempt to avoid sleeping sitting up. I'm sure that dinner choice won't help but mmmmm, was it good. Yes, we were supposed to have our cake from our wedding day. However, our baker who assured us she'd make us a topper fresh for our anniversary went out of business and never called me back for our anniversary topper. Darn!

It's crazy to think we're already pregnant at our first anniversary but there is no doubt in my mind we're both ready to be. It was nice to have her along for a relaxing day although I'm nervous we won't be getting any sleep as she has not held still all day long. I'm normally busy as a bee and don't feel her as much when I'm all over the place. Today was so slow and relaxing I could feel every move and she didn't hold still for long. I think I'll continue to attempt to sleep as much as possible before October!!

Tic Tac Nail?
Ready for a message!!
One year ago today was one of the best days of my life. I was so excited to marry Andre and there was never a moment of doubt in my mind at any point. I think we are a perfect match, hence how we met! We compliment one another well and bring out the best in each other. We learn from one another and change as needed. We have fun and laugh everyday. No, not all is peaches and cream but we communicate well and compromise as needed. We're constantly working to better our relationship and finding ways to make each other happier without losing what we want as individuals. We both wish to always be around the other and truly miss each other when apart. I still feel as sad as I did when I leave for work Monday morning as I did when we were just dating and I was driving back to Palm Coast at 4:30 am. Okay...I'm not crying anymore, but I still want to turn around and crawl back in bed with him! We can drive each other crazy sometimes but those moments are few and far between and somehow always end up bringing us closer. Both of our notes in our cards to one another today mentioned hoping the next 60+ years are just like year one. (Yes, we have hopes in living as long as long as it's together!) We know that will be work, and we'll continue to have good days among some bad but we have high hopes for our future together. I love you Andre Feger! Thank you for being my husband!  

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