Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 20

Wow! Five month mark! Half way point! It doesn't seem real that we are half way there, the first half went fast, now that I'm looking back on it. I hope the second goes the same. Being pregnant is exciting and has many perks but my body just doesn't function the same and I know I'll be ready to get it back to "normal" when she comes. We had our doctors visit and saw and heard her heart beat for the final time for a while. I guess they don't do another ultrasound until the very end when they check her position. It was great to see her and feel her movement at the same time. Her feet are what I feel most. Her feet are on the lower left side of my belly and her head is up by my belly button. The doctors said everything looks great so we'll just keep our fingers crossed she stays happy and healthy in there! There are no more tickles or butterflies, she is very strong and getting big and it feels that way. I cannot imagine what she'll feel like at 9 months. When I lay flat on my back Andre can feel her kicks and punches with no problem. It's so exciting to share that with him and watch his eyes open wide when he feels her. She is 13 ounces and around 7 inches. Mommy is dealing with indigestion and having trouble sleeping since I have to sit up for half the night but it still beats the first trimester by FAR! I'm wearing a pregnancy shirt because it's comfortable and I think it makes me look more pregnant instead of bloated/fat like my normal shirts do. I am wearing my one pair of jeans that still fit comfortable with the button open. Not for long!!


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