Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Julia Feger is HERE! - May 1st

On April 30th at around 9:25pm we got a text from Steven saying that Tiffany was feeling contractions and they were going to wait at home for as long as possible. They went into the hospital around midnight to get checked out, which meant checked in. Tiffany had asked Corrie and me to be in the room with Steven and her mom. I was so excited and nervous. This would be the first time in someones delivery room. I knew what to expect since Clara of course, but I knew it would be a totally different experience. Basically I knew I'd realize more of what goes on and I didn't want to deter myself from baby #2 if we're so fortunate someday.

Andre and I dozed on and off for another couple hours waiting to make sure they weren't sent home for any reason. By 3 we got up and around. Andre left first, I got Clara and her bag for Thursday ready figuring we'd be at the hospital until the following day when Andre went to work. I got her diaper changed and her packed in her car seat without her waking, first time for that! She slept until around 5ish which is usual. Andre and I were taking turns in the room and waiting room with Clara. Tiffany had just gotten her epidural when Andre arrived, so she was doing well. This is baby #4 for her, and a GIRL finally. When we found out they were pregnant I was so excited for them, and very selfishly excited for us & Clara. The majority of our friends down here are wrapping up in the baby department which is going to make me want to be around my family 'ta' home even more when they all start popping kids out. I grew up so close to my sister and cousins I want the same for Clara so bad! So when Tiffany found out it was a girl all I could think about was my siblings and cousins and how close we are and how close they'll be able to be! Selene is planning on at least one more so I'm excited about that. I just know that when Brandi has her baby it is going to KILL me to be so far away!!

Anyway, back to Tiffany having a baby! She was well dilated but things didn't seem to be moving too fast. I don't know what's up with these Feger girls and making their mommies stay up all night! Tiffany's delivery was much like mine, except she had her at 8:04 and Clara wasn't until nooner and I pushed for hours and Tiffany pushed once, I think! It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I'm so thankful she let me be a part of it. Her epidural seemed to wear of (as did mine!) but I'd have to say she must have felt more than I did. Andre was with Clara in the waiting room and it was about 7:30 he asked if he should just go to work since things weren't really going anywhere fast. The doctor broke her water and she was still quite content. Steven and I agreed we thought we had more time. Then about 10 minutes later her contractions came fast and hard. I didn't know whether to take pictures or not, I had Tiffany's camera, and I know she wanted this documented. She did an AMAZING job for me but I didn't know if she'd want to remember the pain so I took a few. Then the doctor came in. I heard the nurse say, "You may want to get your gloves on." I knew it was game time so I flipped on the camera and started to shoot and the doctor yelled at me. I politely apologized and put it down. I was trying to coach Tiffany at the same time. I could tell this wasn't typical for her by her reaction so I tried to talk her through the contractions even though I didn't know what I was looking at on the screen. She responded to me so I kept trying to convince her it was all going to be okay. I kept telling myself, this is all normal, it happens many times just in one day, she'll be fine...and then trying to relay that message to her. She is so strong and so sweet, it's so hard to see someone you love in pain and I could tell Steven and her mom were not enjoying it either. Corrie was on the same side as me and helped hold her leg so I couldn't really tell what she was thinking. I asked her if I should take pictures before I was yelled at and she didn't know either. I regretted not asking Tiffany if she likes to be touched. I wanted so badly to comb her hair with my fingers or hold her hand but I didn't know if that would be annoying. Some people like that some don't. So I just kept talking, I didn't know if it was the right thing to do either but my heart was pumping and I was pacing and AHHhh, thank goodness it only lasted for about 20-25 minutes. Lisa, Andre, and Tiffany all coached me and it really helped! It seemed like an eternity, more for her I'd imagine. The doctor got his glove on in time to push baby Julia's head back in so he could finished getting his booties over his feet. I could tell Tiffany's mom was not impressed with the goings on, she is the one that saw that part happen. It all happened so fast. I think because Tiffany handles pain quite well, and this was her 4th, maybe the doctor and nurses didn't believe she was as close to delivery as she really was, or maybe baby Julia just made it speedy at the end?! Either way, watching someone give life was one of the most amazing experiences I'll ever have. Now that I know I can "handle" it, or I think I can, I really hope that Brandi's little girl waits for me to get there before she makes her debut! The moment Julia was out Tiffany was in bliss, or so it seemed. Julia laid on her chest, I was allowed, even encouraged by the dr to take more pics. I think he felt bad, I know he was stressed since he had to rush because baby was coming! I didn't do even half the job Tiffany did for me. I felt like in the moment the pictures were great. Then I looked through the camera after and they were HORRIBLE. I had every bad angle one could find. The one of Steven cutting the cord had Tiffany's privates in it. Clara could have done better. At one point, Steven said, "Barbie, the clock?!" I knew they wanted a picture of the clock when she was born. I think I ran around the room twice, saying, "What?! The clock, what clock?!" before I figured it out. My heart was pumping, adrenalin flowing, it was nerve racking and amazing all at once. Andre was very bumbed out he was so close and should have stayed, who would have known?! The same thing happened with Corrie when I had Clara, she was in the parking lot!! After skin to skin time, and Julia even eating already, I got to change her. Tiffany was up and around and looking like a super model within an hour of delivery, it's just amazing. Steven said baby Julia was by far the most painful for her. No one would be able to tell. She is so tough. We took dinner that night and Andre was ready to meet the adorable Julia. Tiffany was all put together, wearing a real outfit, her hair done moving about with no problem. I was going to bring her a nightie, I'm glad I didn't, it was the last thing she needed. I looked like I was in the ring with Mike Tyson for a few days after, needless to say I was quite impressed and it only has a small fraction to do with the fact that it's number 4. I've seen pictures of her after Dylan, her first, she looked great then too! She is meant for this stuff!! They only stayed a day and a half, the nurses could tell she had done this a time or two, or four, and said you're good to go. Way to go Tiffany. You're super mommy and inspire me!! Thank you for letting me be a part of such a special day! We love you Julia!

We stopped over to their house a few days later to take another dinner. We were spoiled with dinners after we had Clara and I've never thought to take dinner to someone after, I don't know why I didn't, it's such common sense. Hopefully now Andre and I know how to be more helpful and giving to others since we've been there ourselves. Tiffany was already taking pictures of her beauty. The entire living room was set up for the shoot, couch moved, blankets set  up and her little booty was up in the air. Steven just woke up to this from his nap, I love that she was so excited to take pictures she did that instead of nap herself. I totally get it, I'd be doing the same thing. Andre and I barge in right when she gets her into the perfect position, which takes time, and I'm in her light trying to see Julia, totally oblivious and in the way. It's amazing how my common sense can go flyin out the window when I'm in awe of an adorable baby. She was due on the 5th of May so she was inspired by cinco de mayo when she took the pictures below. She had all this ready for her due date and was able to take these pictures in the comfort of her own home since she came May 1st.

We are so happy you are here Julia (after Andre & Steven's grandmother) Rebecka (After Andre & Steven's mom's middle name and after Tiffany's grandma's last name Rebeck)! She was 8 lb 1oz. Clara now looks so big next to all her new tiny cousins!

Fishy Face's newest model

Come on! How? This is incredible.

The crew support staff! Vicki, Tiffany's mom is out watching Clara.


She is here!!

Caught her mid yawn. The nurses were kicking me out so I didn't have time for a second.

Taken in the hospital.

Baby brother Tyler loving his baby sister. He was so excited. He is the best!

Uncle Andre! I bet the most comfortable he's been holding a newborn of the Fegers.

Clara looks so BIG!
 Besties! and Clara and Julia...hahahah, I crack myself up.

Proud Aunt Barbie and Tiffany in the back, all put together, making her bed and picking up. Cra cra!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tiffany is so lucky that you were there! She says that your coaching was SO incredibly helpful, and I know your pictures mean the world to her. She posted several on her blog that are NOT privates included! :) I love that you guys took selfies while she was in labor. And that you documented not only the birth but also the crazy fact that Tiffany was up and dressed and acting like she was completely recovered right after having a baby. Oh, and I laughed when I read the part about running around the room twice trying to figure out what Steven meant by, "Barbie, the clock?!" Must have been an intense few minutes when Julia actually made her appearance! I am so jealous that you got to be there and so happy for Tiff that you were and you did so much to help. You're amazing! (P.S. How do you not look tired when you'd been up since 3am??)
