Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 27 - cinco de mayo

We have just begun week 28 actually, but I'm behind as usual with posts. Busy weekend. Clara had many firsts in week 27, VERY eventful week!

First time sitting in cart. Too big, too fast! She loved it though. She was looking around at all her surroundings she usually can't see. Staring at people looking at them like, "Who are you? And why are you so close to me?"

First time playing in the rain! Of course it's rained before but she really noticed the noise and enjoyed feeling the drops. Right before this she ate in her swing. Our new favorite place to eat. I get to stand instead of sit hunched over by her chair, we get fresh air and today, enjoyed the sound of a light storm.

Selfie for daddy. Everyone says how much she looks like me now. It's so crazy. Not a tick of me was in her when she was born, except eye lashes and big cheeks. I see it now too, it's so exciting.

Clara tries everything I give her. She has only spit out the jars of ham and turkey dinners. She is always apprehensive about what I'm giving her but she always tries. She makes many funny faces and always cracks me up. This is a bib that Corrie gave us. It covers her entire body, it's amazing. So bright and pretty too! The video of her trying the avocado below is my favorite video other than when she was born. I watch it over and over, it cracks me up. She is such a silly, sweet girl.

Please stop this mama!
She tries everything, and really tries to like everything. She is such a good sport as you will see. I love how she starts the video with one of her normal "screams" she does all day long to entertain herself. She had eaten a spoonful or two before I started to video, after I realized how much she hated it and the faces she would make I decided to video. At one point it looks like I gave her a shot of whiskey. At the end she  is over it, you can tell how good natured she is and how it takes a lot to really upset her. She tries so hard to please her mama. I love you my little princess. You silly, silly girl!

We keep trying this jumper, she loves to bounce and has strong legs. This jumper sucks. It has no tray so there's nowhere for her arms. It takes 50 lbs of force to get the spring to bounce, she kind of just swings into the wall and could totally hit her head. Brandi had this on her registry, I'm glad I caught it in time to tell her NO, it sucks. Andre and I need to get her a new one. I know she would love it if it was more functional.

Friday I went over to Kate's house. She has Liam, who is about 15 months. He is all over so it reminds me to enjoy these last few weeks before she's mobile. It's so nice to take her there though, she has everything handy for a baby. I fed Clara in his chair, even used some of his food so I didn't have to stop home first. My friends love to hold her so I can eat and drink some too! Thanks Kate!
 Clara smashed!

We had a busy weekend. After hanging with the girls Friday Andre and I had a nice low key night. Saturday morning Clara slept in until 8, it was a perfect rainy morning. Andre was able to sleep in with her. I of course was up for no good reason by 6:30, which is sleeping in a tad. I was able to get the house cleaned up and breakfast in bed for Andre. Then, since he couldn't work outside we decided to rearrange the living room. We've been meaning to do this since Tiffany's shower. It's nice and open now, with all the space put to use. Clara can have free range to crawl all over once she's ready. We'll need to get some gates eventually! Hopefully we still have a bit of time before that begins. I'll post those pictures soon. Then we went to visit Selene and Tiffany and all the new babies in the family. Clara looks so big next to her new baby cousins. It's amazing how fast 6 months goes by and all the changes that take place. We had Kerri, Marc, Ed and Lisa over Saturday and had an early cinco de mayo taco bar with margaritas. On Sunday morning we got up and hit the road and went to Englewood to visit Dad and Alice. Clara had her first real swimming experience. Their pool was so nice and warm, like bath water. Clara really enjoyed the pool, splashing about the whole time. Daddy had her float on her back to start practicing that first skill and then dunked her once. I didn't like that part, she didn't much either, but I think it keeps getting easier...for us both. Our weekends go by too fast. It's getting harder to go back to work, not easier. It doesn't make sense to me. Summer is in sight and for some reason all I can do is dread the fall. I'm already thinking about having to leave her again, knowing it will tear me up, especially since she'll really understand separation then. Hopefully I can put it out of my mind and live in the present moment, I'm trying. I just despise every moment I'm not with her, and it's so much harder now that she is getting older and so aware and making so many new gains each day, I don't want to miss a second.

Lisa got her this suit and glasses, they are SOOOO cute. I hope she fits in it July 4th. It's perfect! I grabbed the hat to go at Target. She is so darn cute.

Daddy is such a great teacher.

Floating on her back. Enjoying every minute.

Although not happy to be dunked, she only cried for maybe 30 second before she was her cheerful self again.

Loving time with grandpa!

Clara sits still for no one. And she NEVER lays back and sits still, those are two of the things she hates! Well, I guess she makes an exception for grandpa. She did it twice, for a decent stretch of time. She laid across grandpas lap while he talked to her, played with her hands, leggies and toes. She was so content. I love you grandpa!!!

Finally napped.


Brandi's baby showers were this weekend. I was so sad to miss such an important event. I can't wait to be there in one month to welcome my new baby cousin/niece! ;)

The bumbo makes mealtime anywhere so easy.
Clara is wanting to be more and more mobile. It's kind of strange, she doesn't care to roll over, hardly ever. She is usually content where she is. Her doctor says she is good and strong and she has rolled, so we know she can, but she doesn't for whatever reason, usually just content I guess. We don't ever strap her into anything other than her car seat. She stays in her swing, on her changing table, on the floor, etc. We never leave her on places like her changing table because we know she's capable of rolling off, but I could almost bet all I've got she wouldn't. I can see her wanting to move when her toys are out of reach. Sometimes she will reach far forward and tumble onto her belly. She is very squirmy in our arms as of late, a movement that states, "Put me down, I want to go." So I know it's going to be soon. She gives Andre and I the stiff arm, pushing away to try and get away...already, trying to get away. Oh boy! Too fast. I can/can't wait to see what she's like mobile. I think I know, we will see!
I now need to back up and post Tiffany's delivery!!! Stay tuned!

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