Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ana & Theresa's visit

In an earlier post I had a few pictures from Ana and Theresa's is the rest!

In week 7 Clara finally got to meet her Aunt Ana!!!!!! We have been so anxious for her visit we were so happy it was finally here. She and Theresa came down for the weekend. We were also excited as it was Festivus too and we were so thrilled to have them party with us. It was the first time I let loose since I found out I was pregnant. Grandpa Tiger, Grandma Alice, Mic and Joanne came up for dinner on Friday. (posted earlier) We relaxed and snuggled Clara all day Saturday, enjoyed Festivus with friends and family then relaxed with some good movies Sunday. Ana enjoyed getting to know her niece and taking hundreds of pictures of her. They brought a brand new camera that I would now like and they didn't hold back. I'm only going to be able to post 1/1,000 of the pictures they took that I love. Aunt Theresa who is a mommy of two really allowed me to host dinner, relax, and cut loose as she is a baby whisperer!! We ran errands together, Theresa helped me with dinner prep, they both made sure I got my Christmas cards stuffed and addressed, they helped with clean ups and holding Clara. It's so nice to have family around for so many reasons. Thanks so much for coming ladies, we can't wait to see you again in January.

For starters Ana and Theresa got Clara her first tree, how perfect.

Smiles on her changing table, it is very rare that she is crying while changed. She not only likes her diaper off she loves being on her back up high. Daddy also sings some funny songs when he changes her.

Time for her hair to be washed.

She loves the rush of the warm water over her head.

Aunt Ana loved drying her hair. She doesn't even need to style it, it automatically looks like Ana's do!

Theresa strokes her belly to help her with her gas issues!

I feel bad posting many pictures of Clara and myself on their trip but I'm unable to get pictures with her so this was a great opportunity. Thanks for all the great pics girls!

Welcome home daddy, he even went to the grocery store for us!!

I love seeing her look at me from this angle.

Paci face is Theresa's favorite!

I love you Aunt Ana!

One of the traditions I want to have each Christmas is to make my Great Aunt Ann's Christmas cookies with Clara. I'd love for it to be with her aunts too! These cookies are SO hard to make because the dough is so sticky, thank goodness I had help this year. They taste soooo good!

Nap time!

I love these two pics of her cute face. I wish she didn't always have to have an ugly bib but she is always spitting up, poor baby.

Love the gums!

Clara got in on the cookie making, she didn't like that mommy dipped her hand in the flour.

Soooo Big!

Aunt Brandi got me this onesie, it's so silly. I love it! This is what my hair looks like for a few hours after it's not blown dry.

I love Aunt Ana so so much!

Time to play!

Sweaty head just waking up.


Okay, I'll get up.


Thanks for all your help with dinner Theres!

Tiffany came with the kids for a bit with everyone Friday. She is such a good mommy, her kids are so well behaved we love to have them over! Tyler loves his cousin Clara, he is so sweet to her.

Another bath.

Clara rubs her face all day long, Auntie got it on camera.

Clara talking to daddy.

Say What?

Coo-ing, glad daddy is home.

Sleepy with Aunt Ana

Aunties, don't go...

I miss you THIIIIIIIS much!

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