Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 5

One month and counting, it's so hard to believe how fast the time goes. I can't believe many/most moms have to go back to work after week 6, it's so unfair, I'd be nowhere near ready. I won't be ready in January either but my heart goes out to all those who have to part so soon.

These past few weeks Clara has continued to grow, she seems so big. She is strong, she holds her head as usual looking left and right. She stands and bounces on her legs when I balance her on my lap. Her grip will pull my hair and hold my fingers while feeding, anything that lands in her Kung Fu grip doesn't stand a chance getting out. She is sillier than ever, making tons of noise and smiling lots. She likes to watch our facial expressions and mimic them. She has started to stick out her tongue after we stick ours out at her. She enjoys her "gym" kicking, squirming and watching all her toys dangle above her. She hits them with her flailing hands by accident and surprises herself. She still doesn't like belly time but we try from time to time so her back gets strong.

She has continued to have trouble with acid reflux, a few bad days where she cries all throughout the day and squirms in pain, I feel terrible. We got some medicine from the doctor we hope helps. She will be awake all day, not able to sleep, spitting up and kicking her feet and the next day out cold, exhausted from the day before. She had a pretty good sleep schedule where she was up from 9ish to 11ish, she'd sleep from around midnight until 4 or 5 and then up at 8ish. I liked that schedule, now she's out at throughout the evening, eats around 9, midnight and sleeps until 4:30 then up wide awake for at least two hours. I'd like to switch back to the previous schedule!!

We had Kristin visit again this week for the holiday, it was so nice having her back. An extra set of hands makes my life so much easier, her company is the best. Of course she cleans, bakes and takes great care of Clara. We decorated for Christmas, over half my cute decorations are from Kristin. I realized I'd like a lot more than I have. Each year I tell myself I'll get them after the holiday on sale and never do. I'm trying to figure out how to get her and the family to move here!! It was so nice to have her here for Thanksgiving which I'll post separate. We went down to visit Dad and Alice for a day, poor Clara didn't feel good that day and was fussy all day long. Mr. and Mrs. Vig stopped over to see Clara and give her a cute piggy bank. Thank you! Again, so sad to have Kristin leave!!

Andre, Clara and I went to get our Christmas tree. I am jealous of all the northerners on Facebook that are walking around in the snow chopping one down in a field, I miss that so much. It's just not the same in a tent at Lowes in 70-80 degree weather. We did get a cold snap last week, Clara had to wear warm jammies for the first time, it made it clear how much easier it is to live in warm weather, a good reminder why I live in FL. I took some fun Christmas pictures of Clara. We need to take her to get a picture with Santa soon!

Half way through these pictures I realized I should have put a white sheet under this blanket so it looked more like the snow I was going for. Again, I can't choose so here are too many of "Santa's Little Helper!"

I tired her out fast.

My favorite, her grinning as she falls asleep.

I love her feet!!

This past weekend was Turkey Bowl where Andre and friends gather to play a football game. It's so nice to see everyone each year! The boys play, the wives catch up and the kids get to play on the playground. I kept Clara in her stroller this year because the wind was whippin and it was chilly out for Florida. Next year she'll be running around with a runny nose like the rest of the kids! ;)

 The fellas after the big game

Aunt Kristin was luky enough to join in the fun!

Clara sporting her turkey bib for turkey bowl.

Two random ones daddy took and loved... 

Tiger & Al's - it was kind of a stressful visit since Clara wasn't content most of the time. Belly hurt. Aunt Kristin dipped your toes in the pool which you liked, they have a heater! Mrs. Vig held you for the best nap you took all day, she was Kristin and my elementary school teacher. She taught with Alice in Cuba. She and her husband now live in Englewood next to dad.

You let Grandpa hold you for a few minutes before your belly got really upset. His chest feels furry like dad's chest.

Aunt Kristin gave you your bath the next few days, such great help!!

Happy Holidays!

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