Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 7 continued...

Clara is not always predictable. Just when I think we have a routine...we don't. She will have days where she will sleep a few hours, wake, play, eat, change her and back to sleep for a few hours. I like those days a lot, I can be quite productive. Lately she has been a bit fussy, having a hard time sleeping during the day mostly, nights are usually better thankfully. This day she didn't want me to put her down, these days I can't even find time to take a sip of water. I put her in the carrier which she doesn't like at first but once I start walking around she starts to fall asleep. The problem is, I can't get her out without waking her up so this is how she napped.  

 This nap lasted about 10 minutes, enough time for me to shower. Aunt Becca came to visit this day and I was dripping wet in my towel trying to get her out of this thing. Some days just go that way! Haha.

Clara has been such a good girl going to all my appointments with me. I got my cherry angioma removed this week. That was a weird red thing on my arm that came during pregnancy. Everyone loves Clara instantly, the comments on her hair and beauty are endless. I agree with them all! I'm going to get a close up soon to add to the blog but her roots are BLOND!!!! I love her hair color now but I wouldn't mind if she looked a little like us both!! ;)

I was so happy to be able to squeeze my rings back on, I've missed them. I'm less than ten lbs. heavier than I was when I got pregnant. I have been gaining weight since Clara's birth since I cut myself too much slack since I couldn't indulge during pregnancy. I spent 10 months either sick or such terrible acid reflux I couldn't have anything unhealthy or sweet. I had to sit on the couch eating an apple for dessert at 6pm so it would settle while Andre was housing a pile of ice cream. Needless to say, I need to stop enjoying the ice cream I couldn't have during my pregnancy so I can fit back into my regular clothes. I only needed to wear my maternity pants for the first week post delivery however I'm now wearing my "fat" pants I have for when I'm bigger than I want to be which leaves me three pair. My knee hasn't helped with getting back into shape but I need to at least make sure I'm walking. I couldn't wear my rings in about month 8 and was about 35 lbs. heavier so what I don't understand is why it took so long to get them back on since I'm only 10 lbs. heavier than when I became pregnant?! I'll be happy if I can lose 15 more lbs. since I wasn't happy with my weight before I got pregnant. People are very nice to me and tell me I don't look like I had a baby...too kind. I love my wedding rings so much Andre, thank you for them! I was so happy to have them (squeeze them) back on my hand to gaze at along with our pretty baby.

Ana and Theresa came into town on December 12th and we got the shirt that Brandi got for Ana, for Clara...if that makes sense. All ready to meet Aunt Ana!

We got Ana and Theresa from the airport Thursday night. By Friday morning I had them working for me. I'm getting really good at this putting others to work thing. It was AMAZING to have their hands as I needed to get the Christmas cards/announcements stuffed and addressed to get out before the holiday. These two are very competative and lets just say it didn't take them long at all!  Thank you both so much for your help.

They got Clara her first Christmast tree. I couldn't love this more! It's too perfect!

This is the first picture we took. I decided having all the alcohal in the background of her first tree may not be appropriate!

Friday night Dad, Alice, Joanne, and Mic came up from Englewood for dinner.

Grandma Alice loves to snuggle Clara!

Tiger and Mic


Steven joined and we took a selfie. Tiffany and the kids came for a while and I wasn't on top of the picture taking at that time. Darn!

Becca came and stayed the night with us too. It makes me so happy to have such wonderful friends and family in our home, especially around the holidays!

I'm going to do another post on their visit since I have so many pictures. I spent 2.5 hrs. doing their post the other night when I couldn't sleep and my computer froze and I lost it all. So frustrating. I'm going to try and do more frequent posts that aren't so long...we will see!

Brandi got this amazing onesie for Clara, I think most her amazing clothes come from Aunt Brandi. Love this outfit, we had her dressed in this for festivus which I'm going to try and post about later.

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