Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy 8 months Clara Maria

Our little darling,
Happy Birthday! Today we hung out with your cousins all day. You are such a good girl. You are independent and easily entertained by those around you. When cousin Julia needs my attention you share it, even when you are hungry. You'll play with me while I feed her and wait your turn. You've changed so much in one month! Your strong personality keeps growing.

I think your diet has pretty much stayed the same. You start the day, whenever you wake up with a bottle (4-5 oz) and your vitamins in your milk. Then your next meal, depending when you ate your bottle is cereal mixed with milk, you usually aren't too hungry and sometimes finish it after your nap. Next you have some fruit, you may eat one pack or two. if you finish your cereal, usually just one pack of mixed fruits. I have been buying the "Sprout" or "Earth's Best" mixtures which contain great variety and you love them all. Before one of your naps you'll usually drink some milk, only about 3 ounces. I try and get you to drink around 3-4 ounces twice a day but it sometimes only happens once. Something new is 2.5 oz of water and .5 oz of apple juice. With the little apple flavor you drink some water. I offer you water with your lunch and dinner and you usually drink about an ounce through a straw. Usually you'll have a snack before your afternoon nap and you'll eat a veggie/fruit mix and a soy yogurt. I try to get you to drink 2-3 oz of milk before your nap. For dinner you eat a meat which is usually purred chicken or turkey mixed with veggies or whole grains and a mix of veggies in the packet. Before bed you'll have 4-6 oz of milk. Some days you drink more milk and eat less food. Other days you eat more food and drink less milk. There's just no telling. You tell me what you want and we do that. I love that you're already making your own decisions and also love that you're not a picky eater. OH, I almost forgot, another new thing that started a week ago was eating puffs. When we were in NY Vella had puffs and Aunt Kate asked if I had tried any with you and I didn't, so we tried them and you make a funny face when you chew them, like, "What the heck is in my mouth?!" but you eat it and want more. You've put one in your mouth once, but every other time I try to give you one, you just play with it. So, mommy feeds you. I try each time to see if you'll feed yourself. I always give them to you last so maybe if I try giving them to you first when you're really hungry you'd be more apt to put it in your mouth. You're a really good eater. I have no idea if I'm feeding you too much, I just base it all on what you tell me. You close your mouth when you are done and refuse to eat more unless I really push you to, then you'll cave for a few more bites. I only do that when you have a few bites left. It's very funny how good you are at keeping your lips sealed. You smile with your lips closed and look at me like, haha, you can't get in. I need to capture this face and add it, it's adorable. You are so silly.

Your sleeping habits are pretty consistent. If we're home, or in one location like Aunt Brandi's you'll take 3 solid naps each day. After you wake, you're up about an hour or so, sometimes two but usually less. You have a morning nap. You'll take an afternoon nap and an evening nap. If you're not waken by something you usually sleep 1-2 hours. Some days each nap is 2 hours and other days if your morning nap is long then the other two are shorter and vice versa. Yesterday your morning nap was 1.5 hours, afternoon nap was 1.5 hours and evening nap was 2 hours. I feel like this is a lot, but you obviously need it. If we are on the go and you can't get your naps, you're fine with it. If you get too tired you'll fall asleep wherever we are for a bit, but they don't last as long. I don't base our routine off your naps as much as possible. We go and do as we please. Sometimes I'll let you get your morning nap in before we go and do so your day starts well rested, the morning nap is the one you need most to be your usual happy self. I lay you down in your crib or your swing, you nap well in both. You'll usually play for 10 minutes or so and then go to sleep. Sometimes when you're really tired, you'll whine for a few minutes and then go to sleep. If I hit the nail on the head, I lay you down and you roll onto your side and you go right to sleep. If in your crib you'll always roll on your side and then fall asleep. If in your swing you'll turn your head to the side before you fall asleep. I lay you down in the center of your crib. You'll always turn yourself sideways which you're too long for and get your head in the corner. Sometimes you'll nuzzle your head under your bumper. Dada doesn't like this, he wants you to stay in the middle away from the edge where you're not scrunched and smashed into the sides so sometimes he'll move you, but you'll just move back. You know what you like. At night, you usually go to bed between 7 and 8 still. Dada and I have a routine with you. We'll get you a bottle and read a few books to you. Your attention on the book lasts about 10 - 15 minutes then you get antsy. Sometimes you lay on my lap and kick your feet up and down and look and listen to the words. Other times you'll want to sit up and look at the book. Dada and I take turns reading and feeding you. I'm a little more animated, dada reads you the Spanish books I got for you. I am learning with you. ;) Once you're done listening dada says night night and I finish reading to you then put you to bed. I love that dada is a part of a night routine, I think it's so important. You are really good at waking and playing on your own for a while, you just sit and chat to yourself. You still sleep with your bubble guppy and nunu. You always kick the covers off. You usually sleep through the night but once in a while I'll get up and give you your paci back because I hear you starting to wake too soon. Once in a while you'll want to eat at 3am?! Most of the time you're hungry at 5-6 but still go back to sleep for a little bit. Thankfully you're not usually up before 6:30.

You're still very happy to play by yourself for a long time. You're not content sitting anymore though. When I set you on your but your hands instantly fall to the ground and you start rocking back and forth. You end up on your belly. You're in the crawling position for a few seconds before you end up on your belly. You play on your belly for a while then get annoyed. I sit you up and you start it all over again. You want to move so bad. You play with your toys for a long time by yourself. Your favorite things are things that aren't toys like your socks and bibs. At Aunt Kristin's you had a blast with spoons and a pot. We thought you'd bang your spoons on the pot but instead you picked up the pot and started smashing it against the counter. You are very rough. Not much you do is gentle. With animals or other babies you'll start apprehensive and gentle, but about 5 seconds in when you get comfortable and excited you start slamming your hands down on everything in sight. When held you whack your hands into faces, I don't know where you got this from or why you enjoy it so much. It makes it very hard to hold you because we get beat up. If it's someone you don't know you'll start gentle like everything else and then away you go. You like to slam your hands on anything, your toys, the floor, your tray when you're in your high chair. You get mad at me when I take things away from you. I was getting ready with you on the counter and I had to take my brush back to put away before we left and you threw a tantrum like a 2 year old would. I'm not sure you're supposed to do this yet. You had a melt down for a few minutes. I gave you your sock to distract you and you threw it back at me. Oh boy. You swung your arms around in a fit. Mommy just went about her business in hopes you realize you get no attention when this happens. I'm not looking forward to this happening in public. On a more positive note, it's so easy to entertain you and make you laugh. Playing little games with you makes you so happy. You sit quiet on your own for so long and I feel guilty after about 30 minutes and start to play with you, then you get loud and happy. When we were at Aunt Tiffany's house with your cousins you love to watch them play. Tyler sits to play with you and wants to show you how to use your toys. You let him take them from you and watch what he does. I'm glad you let someone take things from you. ;) I'm sure that won't last long the more you get used to playing with others. When we were in NY around Arvella, AJae, and Elsa you were so intrigued by them. You really didn't notice Elsa until she cried which wasn't often, we kept her out of your reach since your new way of playing is so rough. When she cried you'd get a look of concern on your face. When Vella and Ajae were around and noisy as you are, you took a back seat and watched. When it was nap time you cried at their noise. After nap time you were so happy and played with your new friends. I like that you sit back and watch so intently at times, it's obvious you're taking in your surroundings. I think you're a smart little girl, now let's get rid of this temper!! I can tell you're going to really test and challenge us, you make it hard, you're a great actress!

**You have no teeth yet. You keep having days with ALL the symptoms and then it goes away. I was nervous about you being 8 months and having no teeth yet so I read a few articles online. Each one said it was normal to not have any yet and research shows they'll be stronger the later they come. I wish daddy and I knew when we got our teeth. I'm thinking you're like daddy. He has good strong teeth, no cavities. I'm going to look at it that way and hope for the best.

taking socks off and chewing them
nunu/bubble guppie
Bubble Guppie and Spanish shows
playing with anything that isn't a toy - my phone, spoons, food packets, etc.
swimming and being in the pool
anyone who plays with you
mustaches - on the plane you LOVED the guys mustache that held you while I peed
being in your exersaucer
being on the go

being changed - clothes or diaper
that you can't move from a to b
things that aren't toys being taken away - when I take away a toy, you just find another
blankets on you
socks/shoes on
when I put your hair in a clip or a headband on
being still

**When I say, "Where's Dada?" you'll look for him. You go through phases when you say the words. You haven't said mama in a long time. You don't know what "baba" is, you just say it.

New tricks:
-You wave, never on command. Usually when someone isn't paying attention to you and you want their attention.
-You clap, again, never on command. Only when you see fit. You get really excited when I play with you and we put a block in the right spot and it drops into the container and I say, "Yay!" and clap, but you won't clap with me. You'll only clap on your own at random times when you feel like it.

You are very strong willed. You are a happy girl who knows what you want and will make it known if you're not liking something. You are silly, you make silly expressions that make daddy and I laugh all the time. You keep our attention and we love who you're becoming, even if it's not easier on us, I love that you're such a strong soul and very sure of yourself. You aren't scared of much. Whatever new adventure daddy teaches you in the pool you'll be a little nervous but you want to do it over and over, you're brave. I'll vacuum near you and you want to bang on the vacuum. You can be needy, not often, but it reassures me that you need your mommy once in a great while, I do serve a purpose! ;) One time you were scared when we were in the bathroom of the airport and the changing spot was right next to once of those new hand driers that is very loud. I was mid-change and some lady used it, it was right by your head. I saw panic on your face for the first time and you reached for me and cried in a panic. I couldn't pick you up since your diaper was half off and poop was all over your butt. I looked you in the eyes and told you it's okay, I put my face close to yours and kissed your head. You wrapped your arms around my neck. It was the first time I felt you "needed" me. I didn't like that you were scared one bit, but I did love that you knew I'd protect you and I could calm you. It's amazing to me that with all we go and do, travel, new people, you are so confident. The only other time you reached for me was when we were in my classroom and one of the parents of my students wanted to hold you. You were so out of your element with my crazy kids and in a new place, I handed you over and you whimpered and reached back. Julie, her daughter was taking a picture and you looked at me with that same concern and I told you it was okay. You calmed enough for a picture and I gladly took you back. You're such a brave girl who really loves to be around anyone. You trust well and when you don't, you know who to turn to! I'll always be there for you my love. Dada will too. We just watched a movie where the girl ran off with a boy the dad didn't approve of and he imagined it being you, and said, "Oh great! Clara better not do that." I told him you wouldn't! ;) You couldn't be more loved. You make every single day better. You are the light of our life. We love our strong, silly, confident, content, beautiful baby. Happy 8 months!

We went outside to take some pictures. I was hoping she'd be distracted by her surroundings and sit up. Each time I set her down her hands go forward and she tries to move and we can't see her 8 mo sticker. It keeps getting harder and harder to take pictures of her, I can't even imagine when she's mobile, I'll need Andre's help for sure.

I want to stand mama!
I shook a toy to grab her attention, for a second.

Her headbands are mostly pointless. She hates them being put in, doesn't mind them on, but HATES when I touch her head in anyway so I can never get them on right or get her hair tucked well. I made this one.

 Sniffling like she does as of late. I love that I captured this face. I can hear her just by looking at it.
 My happy girl.

 I'm frustrated mama, I can't crawl and want to MOVE!

Have to get some with Jumbo Bear!


I gave up with the headbands.

 Clara, you are always making me laugh.

I love the colors in your hair, and the rolls in your legs, and your spastic hand.
 My Koo-koo bird.

We decided since she can eat some solids to allow her to enjoy a bit of sweet with an 8th month cupcake.

We knew she'd be after the flame so daddy was ready. It only took a split second for her to grab so dada blew it out, but I snagged a pic first. We said, "Happy Birthday" instead of singing it since we didn't have time with the candle.

Give me that dada.

Thanks. Cool.

Looking over every inch so very careful like she does with anything new.

Dropped it on her pretty dress.

We're going to save the BIG dive for her first bday so we let her get her hands messy and taste it and then her fat parents ate it. ;) "No cake for you!" Poor baby. Her tummy was off too so I didn't want to mess it up more with sugar.

Happy 8th our love. You are our everything!

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