Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 33 - NY

I've been counting down the days for the end of school for a few reasons. #1 to be home with Clara daily #2 to get to NY to see Brandi, Elsa, and the fam! Since Elsa's arrival it's been killing me to be so far away.

Friday finally came, although Elsa was already here I was still very happy to be leaving after work so I could get there and get my hands on that little girl. Kylie picked me up from the airport, thank you my love! Brandi brought Elsa down right away, she was so tiny and so perfect. Nick and Jack were up and helped me bring all my things in. Clara was fast asleep and I transitioned her to the pack-n-play Bran had set up for me in the bedroom downstairs. Their house is so perfect for guests!

Anyway, I'm already getting ahead of myself, rewind. Lisa dropped us off at the airport. They didn't ask for Clara's birth certificate last time we traveled so I left it at home. They wanted it this time, thankfully the guy was nice and let us slide this time. I could have brought Clara's umbrella stroller or even her car seat and jogging stroller, they check it for free when you board the plane but I guess I wasn't thinking. This carrier worked okay, but it would have been nice to wheel her and have both hands too. She bobs and weaves all over in this thing, she can face out but she is always trying to look back at me so I have her face forward. We got through security fast, they let babies in the handicap line. Then it was time for dinner. I set her in the chair and fed her, she was fascinated with the arm of the chair, she loves to slam her hands on things, she's not a very gentle baby. She loves the sound of her hand slapping things and her nails scraping things and when she's excited it gets even more rough. She ate well. I changed her before boarding.

"Selfie" which doesn't make sense since it's both of us --"us-ie"


So little. She was so good, and happy of course. Never a fuss, just a little crazy sometimes! ;)
Clara has been waving for a while now. She will not wave on command, it only happens when she feels like it. It's usually when she's trying to get someones attention. I was on the phone with Ana when a lady sitting across from us waved at her. She started waving back and didn't stop until I started to record of course.
This nice lady from Canada boarded before us. I saw her on the outside seat with both inside seats open and since she was so nice and baby friendly I asked her if we could sit next to her. It wasn't supposed to be a full flight so I figured no one would want to sit in the middle with a baby next to them. She said she was thinking the same thing. She was in her 50's maybe, so kind, two girls of her own. She was a great help to me with handing me things and helping me make bottles during the flight when Clara was asleep in my arms.
Clara played for a while first, then got very antsy and whined a few times, I put her paci in and handed her nunu to her and she was out. It's been SO long since I've had her asleep in my arms. It was about a 10 minute squirm and whine, it was worth it, I should try it at home so I can hold her while she sleeps again. She ate on the way up to help her ears. She was sound asleep during our decent until about half way down. She woke up crying, grabbing her ears. Poor baby. She wouldn't eat. She screamed for about 3-5 minutes and then came to and giggled and played. She fell fast asleep as soon as we started driving and stayed asleep until we got to Brandi's. Then I moved her to her
pack-n-play and she was out until morning. Kylie, Brandi, Elsa and I got some girl time. I held her, she is so perfect. She is already so strong, holding her head. It was so nice seeing Brandi walk down her stairs with a baby in her arms. Elsa is a lucky little girl to have Brandi as a mom, she already knows it.
Andre and Steven were at the Rays game on Friday night. We miss him so much!

Kind of dark, which is good. I look like I've been at Jambo for two weeks. She pooped after I got there and Brandi let me change her. She is so bitty and fragile. I remember when Clara was fragile. It's no fun changing them into clothes. Anyway, I jumped the gun, she wasn't finished and she pooped all over while I was changing her. Way to go Aunt Barbie. I had to change her outfit and everything, I guess I was just trying to see her all nakie! She is so perfect! Elsa Rose, your Aunt Barbie loves you!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy and his one week old! Nick has been hands on since she was born. He was so hesitant to hold Clara while they were visiting when she was 3 weeks. He had no nerves when it came to his own, I love it! Such a happy daddy!

Aunt Brandi busted out many of Elsa's toys/seats for Clara to use. Poor Elsa will not have anything unused. Thank you Elsa for sharing so well, Clara loves everything you have, we can't wait to come back and play again.

Kylie stayed with us thankfully. The crazy girl was going to drive back at 2am. I love all the baby things in the Porcello home.

Mommy and her babies. Keebler is wondering where his treat is. Brandi is getting ready to clean Elsa up.

I thought Clara had chicky legs...look at these little leggies!!!

Ahhh, that feels good mommy!

Elsa loves to have her hair washed!

I'm clean and pretty!

Clara watching her Spanish video. I brought our portable video player knowing that would help entertain her while I looked at Elsa and took 1,000 pictures.

Saturday after her bath and feeding, I couldn't wait to try and get a pic or two, or tree (yes...two-tree, and then some). I'm still trying to get the lighting and angles down, it's going to take a long while...but it is so fun trying even if they're not that good yet. This is the headband and wrap that our friends Mark and Kerry got Clara. Brandi has the cutest little lamb rug and her wood floors are amazing. I am having the hardest time with the lighting, as you'll see. Elsa so was so cute. She let me get quite a few before getting upset. She peed (no diaper) and probably didn't like the wet and cold. Can't blame her. You are such a cutie, little girl!

Better lighting...with the mini smile!!!!!!!!! Love it.

So I tried to dig back and find the one of clara holding her face and cannot locate it right now so I wanted to show one of Clara at this age. I need to find the other one and will. I should have looked back at how Tiffany wrapped Clara, it's so much better, as is the picture, as is the set up. I wish we could have packed Tiffy and Julia to go to NY too, for pics and mommy fun! I'm so lucky she takes pictures for me!!

Too much floor but I love her hand!

Hi baby eyes, cute little wave!

I started to try and get her feet but ran out of time. Look at her little pigs!

I plopped Clara in the back for one.

Clara wondering what's wrong with cousin Elsa. Poor baby Elsa, don't cry.

Mommy makes it all better!

Daddy letting the girls do their "thang" while he soaks up the sun on his day off. This is how I picture Nick always, now with a little one on his chest while he soaks.

Sweet pea.

I love you beautiful Aunt Brandi.

It only took us three hours, but we got out of the house. ;) On our way to Cuba Lake for our first boat ride. At this point we decided Elsa should eat again. Haha. It took me back to those days, seems like so long ago. Thankfully getting out of the house gets easier and easier, put us both together though, and it gets complicated. I love it. Look at these little ladies. Clara is saying, "Whoop WHOOP, Cuba Lake here I'ze comes!"

Nick, look at the bunnies!

Clara loved the view. She also loved picking and eating the grass. I kept trying to take it and she'd scream at me. I love seeing her with this background. Home.

This is as creative as I got with the two of them. Clara can reach too far and I get so nervous with her slap happy hands so close to our little one week old Elsa.

I was hoping toys in her hands would help her stay away from her cuz, didn't fool her. She still wants to play with Elsa so bad!

Getting  tad excited.

Last one we dare take. You can see her thinking about it!

Had a few snacks while waiting for Uncle Zimmer and Aunt Linny for a boat ride, beautiful day. Beautiful Brandace looks nothing like a woman does a week after having a baby, amazing!

Pulling grass to eat.

My favorite one of her at the lake.

Trying to get this over tired baby to sleep.

Carpies for a little lunch.

Amazing natural mommy.

Uncle Jonny done golfing.

My favorite pic of the whole trip. Smiling at each other.

Some Sunday pictures:

Sweet baby.

Sooo true!

I need to mention that I cannot keep the pictures in order. I have many from my camera and from my phone and I'm only able to select one at a time to upload which takes forever. So I'll do my best to keep them in synch.

Monday morning. Brandi, the girls and I went to get an early lunch with two of Brandi's friends from work. They are so sweet. That got us up and going and we were on time.

I love Brandi's house and floors. Perfect set up for pretty pictures anytime.

All set to go. This was an outfit that Corrie got for Clara that was my favorite. It melts my heart to see it on Elsa.

This is the best picture we got of the four of us. Framer for sure! I kept forgetting to get pics of the four of us somehow.

After lunch I made the rounds to see Barb, Rick and Gramp. Clara peed through her diaper somehow so we had to change her as soon as we got there. Oops, that's a first.

She took a 25 min nap on the way there. No morning nap today. Woke up bright eyed and booshy tailed.

Finally dressed and being goofy as usual.

Next visit. Gramp! She slept the 30 minutes on the way there and was bright eyed and bushy tailed again after she woke up when we got there. A total of about 40 minutes. Poor baby. She really thrives on her naps but if we worked around those, we'd never see anyone.

Gramp was so delighted to see her. He gets such a kick out of her. On our way out he walked us out and showed her off to everyone at his nursing home. It is a very nice place, lots of people and lots going on. A baby puts a smile on everyones face, it made me think we should visit more nursing homes here just to say hi, make someone's day.

Back home Monday night. Elsa found her thumb! Oh no! Brandi and I sucked our thumbs for way too long! Elsa was much like Clara though, it was a one and done deal with the thumb...thus far.
We captured it!

Sweet baby.

Sunday Barb stopped by after church to say hi and give Elsa another present from someone at church.

Sweet sweet face.

It's such hard work being a baby!

Selfie with my sweet pea!

Pizza Monday am with friends, out we go!

I brought our portable dvd player for the plane, and knowing she'd like to watch her Spanish DVD once a day as usual. It buys me about 25 minutes to eat, shower, take pictures of Elsa, etc.

to be continued

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