Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 31 - Clara sleeps on her own

This past week was so neat, we had Kylie visiting. She stayed with Clara almost every day she was here. Thankfully I had Memorial Day off for an extra day with her and Clara. She also came with me to work one day to meet my class who LOVED her of course. I could tell Clara also loved being home with "Aunt" Kylie, really cousins, but I was Kylie's aunt at 11 so it seems that at 20 she's more like an aunt. Also, anyone who seems like a sister to me is Clara's "Aunt" so she has many. ;) She is a lucky girl.

Kylie has been having some issues with her hands for those of you who are unaware. Her fingers are closed. She's been having tests run and been to the Cleveland Clinic and still we don't have any "final" results. They are narrowing it down and she still needs some tests done but we're not giving up. She has the use of her thumbs. Her forearms are contracted and she deals with a lot of pain from that in her arms, neck and back. She never ceases to amaze me. She has adapted so well and has such a bright attitude about it, making no excuses. Once in a while she'll need help with things but it is rare. I do not have a clue how she is doing it. I'd be so impatient, frustrated and defeated. I watched her attempt to put her hair up for about 10 minutes before I offered to help. I know she wants to do things on her own so I try and let her be even though I'm dying to help. She just smiles and allows me to, with her beautiful smile, knowing she could use some help but she was determined. I know she is going to stay positive and not give up, watching her deal with this challenge says so much about her amazing character. I love you Kylie, I'm so proud of you. Thank you for coming and taking such great care of Clara. We miss you!


These pics are all out of order as usual. Problems uploading.
Here are some nice pictures of Linny, Grammy and Brandi on Memorial Day visiting relatives.

Brandi and Trinkie. Kind of a belly shot, more of a tease. Who would have known only 4 days later this little one would come out into the world!?

My beautiful Aunt Pinny! Hi Mom...

I got to watch most of the Feger crew for about 30 minutes. Steven got home fast. It was so nice to hold Julia and spend some time with Tyler and Isaac!

Happy Half baby girl! Merrissa's baby Ajae!

pool head & pretty Kylie

Picture for daddy Sat am

Many of my students at the awards ceremony.

Notice her clips don't hold her hair anymore. It's too long and thick and they are too small. So I'm on a mission to make headbands for her.

Nick's office. I miss this small town stuff. I love that in Cuba/Allegany people will drive by Nick's office knowing what this means and word will spread like wildfire.

Found a headband.  Notice she continues to rub her eyes so hard she cracks the corners, poor baby. Can't get her to stop.

Merrissa and hopefully Kate are going to drive their little ones to meet up with Brandi and I to get our four girls together. I got them matching outfits for pictures. I'm so excited. Look at how TINY Elsa's is. Kate's 8.5 month old is in 18 months, Merrissa's 6.5 month old is in 12 month, Clara who is 7.5 months old is in 6 month and Elsa's newborn looks too big for her. Can't wait to see these on with them all together. Kate, if you pull this off, I'm going to kiss you SO BIG! Bonuses. Not like the old "bonuses" or maybe?! ;) I'm trying to make headbands for them all now too.

More pics for daddy. Trying to get a pic of Clara and I kissing = her eating my mouth. She still has an open mouth kiss.

Lisa's daughter graduated this Sunday. Gabby is one of the smartest, sweetest, most beautiful young women I know...just like her mom! I wish I was half as mature as she when I was her age. She won many scholarships and is going to Florida State. She had something like a 4.9 gpa from her college credits. Lisa is already quite depressed and dreading her leaving. She goes early for some summer courses so mid June she is off. Which will be perfect timing since I'll just be getting back from NY, Clara and I can keep Lisa busy. We're going to miss you Gabby, visit often!!! You're going to do great!!!

Ed and Lisa took "the family" out to dinner. We're so thankful they consider us family, we don't know what we'd do without them all. We all just laugh whenever we're together. Every time I leave or they leave, my face hurts from laughing. They all love Clara so much. Thank you Cotillas!

Out of order obvi. Kylie sent this of Kristopher. My mom made this for me when I was little. Kylie and Kristopher wore then and now Kristopher is still getting use. Kristopher, keep that in good condish for Clara, will you? ;) You look great!

Quinn, Lisa and Clara with her huge wet diaper I changed right after this. I keep forgetting her bloomers.

Gabby on the left. Brittany on the right. Looking through a very thoughtful album from Mimi.

Grandpa B, James, Ed, Quinn, Andre
Mimi w/ Clara, Gabby, Brittany, Lisa and I

Finally conked out. She was so behaved, as always.

Naked baby!

Mommy and daddy ran LOTS of errands this weekend and Clara is just along for the ride. She eats and sleeps as we go, what a champ! We're in Verizon here, daddy is getting a new phone.

My class had a county convention. They research a county from the state. Make a brochure, write a persuasive letter, create stamps, make a poster and dress as a tacky tourist to present. We invite parents, students and administration to come learn/question. My room is bare and ugly because I'm packing to move to a portable half this size, boooooh!

Mr. Rozelle, the principal.

This weeks 1st is a biggy. Clara is in her crib sleeping through the night. I've given it about 4 days to blog this since I'm so afraid of jinxing it. I knew her sleeping on her own wasn't ever going to be a problem, she never needed me by her side. I've kept her close for the convenience of keeping her asleep with her paci and to avoid walking across the house. Come to find out she self soothes well. I get up in a panic and go cover her, she is always so hot when she falls asleep I can't dress her warm then she kicks her covers off all night, even when she ends up cold. I know keeping her with me was about me not her. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30. I take her into her room and rock her with a bottle and Andre has started to read to her while I feed her. I lay her down when she is done, she doesn't say peep, she knows it's bedtime. I push her bubble guppy's belly so the music starts and give her her nunu which she snuggles. She tosses and turns for a few minutes and she's out. She will stir a few times and cry out once. Then she may wake at 5 to eat but she goes right back to sleep, she only wants 4oz. Then she'll get up between 6 and 7. She is Miss Independent and I'm Mama Dependent. I'm sure we could have had this set up for a while now, but I don't regret one night of having her by my side. I miss my little darling but I knew it was time, and probably way past, but oh well. I am never sure what tomorrow will bring so if today I feel like having her so close...I will. ;) Now we need alarms on all doors and windows, that is one of my biggest fears about having her across the house. Hopefully Andre can add that to the list of things to do while I'm in NY. ;) It's nice having our room back to ourselves. Andre and I have missed being together and our routine. We are able to stay up and watch some TV, I'm not rushing to bed knowing I'll be up with her. I still try and get to early though since it's never guaranteed. I'm so thankful Clara makes everything easy on us. As much as I want her to need me I'm so glad she is independent too, I know it's better that way.

Here is a video of her swimming:
Clara loves to swim. Daddy gives her floating lessons a few times a week. She loves the water even if she gets annoyed with being on her back sometimes. She has been a naked baby in the pool sometimes as you see her, when she goes for a quick dip. Daddy shared his smoothie with her too. She dips her own face in the water, she knows what happens and still does it. She doesn't mind it I guess. She never cried much when Andre dunks her and sometimes not at all anymore. He counts so she knows and she holds her breath.


Before dinner.

I love this baby with every ounce of me. I've never felt so complete. Thanks Sio for my favorite dress of hers!

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