Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16

Everett had a great day! He is making steady progress. I carry a notepad that Andre got me that is on my person at all times so when I have random thoughts and questions I know I will forget I can jot them down quick. I especially use it in the mornings during rounds and I noticed I had very few notes today. I still have a tremendous amount of questions each day, the doctors and nurses literally laughed at me for asking so many questions. Andre told me I had good questions, so I don't think twice about holding back. Thanks love.  

From my notes today, I jotted he finishes his anabiotic tomorrow. They increased his feeds from the 10 mL ( that I begged for last night) to 20 mL every three hours. I can tell he still gets very hungry again after about two hours. He has lost about 5 ounces since birth. I think they'll bump him up again tomorrow, or so we hope. I hope he doesn't have to be at his birth weight to be discharged, Steven mentioned that Dylan did and I don't need anything else prolonging departure. I don't want to know the answer, so I am not even going to ask yet.  He will continue to have albuterol treatments. They have been decreasing the amount of breaths that the CPAP machine gives him from 20 breaths to 15. He takes the rest on his own. It is also giving him less pressure now. I don't know if they will try to decrease it tomorrow or start him on the next, and hopefully final, machine. The last machine sounds like it's just steady oxygen, no pressure or breaths. Then bye bye vents!!! Forever, we hope!

He had an EKG today, they saw a pattern they didn't like, for a 3 hour period. I will find out tomorrow how that went. I thought I was done with cardiologists, hopefully tomorrow! 

I held him all morning, until around 11, then I left to get Clara since our primary nurse Ashley was on. She keeps me very informed and even sends me pictures! She's amazing! She isn't on again until Friday so I took advantage of being able to leave without worrying about his well being and had a fun day with Clara! 

Ashley said she had a surprise for me and sent this picture:

So homey. Now that he is dressed and in the crib, he is looking more and more like a healthy baby. Clara and I went to pick out a toy for his crib that lights up and plays music. It will be easier for me to leave when he can be entertained  if he is awake. We picked up some pipe cleaner and beads for her. We sorted, counted, practiced colors, sizes, made jewelry, etc. She is at about 50% accuracy with colors now. We were counting up to 20 in English, she can get to 15. We tried in Spanish too and then mommy realized she needed to brush up on her teens, oops!  We worked on her sentence structure, instead of her saying, "I guppies" she will say, "I watch Guppies!" So we are adding verbs to our language! She tells me she loves me on a regular basis and gives me lots of kisses and hugs, I could get used to this! 

Dada went to visit the little man after work and held him but won't let me post the picture. When he got home we ate dinner, put Clara to bed, I came back to see my little man, I missed him terrible all day, just like when I have to leave Clara. I can't wait to all be home together!!! I'm so lucky I'll see that day...

Here are some pictures from today: 

I asked Clara to come get cozy while we watched an episode of Dora and she did!! 


 There is no better feeling in this world than holding your babies in your arms!!! I can't wait until I am home holding both of them at once! The last picture is me right now, holding and blogging from my phone, thanks for teaching me your multitasking ways Tiffy! 

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