Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19

Ashley is on today, our primary nurse. This is the picture she text me first thing this morning.

Everett enjoying his aquarium. All snuggled in with his pacifier.

During rounds, they decided to put him on the Vapotherm vent at a level three, which is a very big jump. However his cannula is never in his nose anyway, either it is taped wrong or he moves his head back-and-forth so much it's out of place. So I'm pretty sure he is doing most of his breathing on his own gathering all of his own oxygen. The cannula is smaller and clear so it should be easier to keep in his nose and see more of his face.

They increased his feeds to 75 mL this morning from 65. If he gets two feeds digested without any issue, they are going to remove his line in his shoulder!!! I am so excited for that to be gone and have him heal!! That also means I won't be holding a baby with tubes and wires coming out getting us tangled and I know is uncomfortable for him. They only have clear fluid going through it now, they stopped his fake food last night. He is now just a breast milk baby! She said I could also attempt to breast-feed with it at that level later tonight! 

New cannula! 


  1. you look so pretty! He looks pretty sleepy. I LOVE that birthday picture. So you thought it was Wednesday on Thursday, well I thought is birthdays came on Fridays for some reason so was going to send him a happy 3 week text today, after checking in on your blog. But duh, he was born on my lunch break on a Thursday! Sorry Everett! Happy birthday yesterday!! SO glad you're going to be able to try to get mommy milk tonight! It will taste so yummy and you'll love it. Go get 'em, Tiger!

  2. He's just too cute!!! I hope breastfeeding goes well. That's so exciting for both of you! In the world of breastfeeding (as you know), if it doesn't work out today, there's always tomorrow. Xoxo
