Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 29

This morning Everett was bright eyed and bushy tailed when I got here. His nurse practitioner Melissa is back today, she adores him and is glad to hear about his eating progress. We took the oxygen off to see if he can sustain on his own. We are going to do allow him to attempt to bottle feed every other feeding time. I asked her to only have Andre and I feeding him still, she is encouraging me to allow the nursing staff to try as well. I'm just not there yet. Once I see he is more comfortable, maybe. Andre and I go much slower, and are much more gentle with the process. I don't want him taking steps backwards again. Now that we have a private room, I can be here throughout the night if need be.

She doesn't think it is necessary to do the swallow study at this point. I told her the reason I wanted to was because I am nervous he may be aspirating while eating. She said we would know if he was, there would be other signs. I think the goal for this week for him will be to build his endurance and attempt to consume his feeds on his own. We are asking a lot of him, but we know he is trying hard already!

I can't tell you how excited I am that he has a cheek free again for me to kiss all over! He looks so different with tape off of his face, I can't wait until all I see is his handsome, chunky face with nothing on it, I won't be able to keep my lips off of him.

Like aunt Kristin hasn't done enough, she bought Clara this fun outdoor play table. It looks like so much fun! Thank you aunt Kristin! Ever and I can't wait to come play too!

Lisa and Mimi came by to see Everett today. We gave him a bath and he was too tuckered out to eat his 2 PM feeding. Mimi held him and snuggled for quite some time, thank you!

Andre got here at 5 and he drank 35 mL I came back for the 11 o'clock meeting and he drank 32. He wanted to try more but he was breathing pretty heavy so I had him take a break and he fell right asleep. 

Aunt tiffy  took a picture of his tiger booty last night!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 1 month already!!! Happy 1 month birthday baby boy! We are so happy to see you doing so well!
