Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, June 5, 2015

June 5th update


Everett was waking up for Daddy and I today when we showed up. We were able to see his eyes open, he was happy to hear our voices.

(Please ignore my spelling errors, I barely know what these things are let alone how to spell them.)

He is being weaned off of EVERYTHING which is great and scary. I hope he's able to handle all that's coming his way. They're going to try to take the arterial line out and put a PICC line in tonight. They took his catheter out this morning. Once he is weaned off the nitric oxide he may need another echo to check his hypertension. The blanching (redness) in his arm is better around his arterial line. He is still taking hydrocortisone and has another day on his antibiotic. They're cutting down on the fentanal every 3 hours, dopamine weaning every 2-3 hours, nitric wean by 1 ever 3 hours. They were going to switch his oxygen machine and there was a possibility I could hold him tomorrow but Dr. Brooks decided to leave him on the machine until tomorrow so the likelihood of holding him tomorrow is slim. All of that said, he's being weaned a lot, starting to come to and that excites me as much as it makes me nervous. I hope he's able to handle all that's about to come at him, I know he is strong, but I hope he doesn't fight what he needs.

9:30 PM -

Everett has done a great job today. He has weaned off of the dopamine, his nitric oxide is at 2, almost gone, oxygen at 32%. They are putting the PICC line in now. No new blood gas results, earlier they thought they might needs to do a blood transfusion but thankfully your numbers went up. Let's hope they stay there. They'll also be switching him to the conventional breathing machine which is a smaller tube I believe, the one that allowed me to hold him the first night. That might mean, if all goes well, he can be in my arms soon, oh boy would that be great! During hands on with the nurse, he moved his fingers and opened his eyes some. I hate not being there for you when you open your eyes and come out of sedation Everett, I love you. My heart is always with you...

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