Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Meet Everett + hiccups - three weeks

I have taken videos of Everett but I'm not sure I want to post them, looking back at them can scare me. I felt like I was in a bad dream and I may just want to let that be a distant memory. Since he is feeling better I'm confident in posting this one. I get home and watch this over and over, missing him, craving him in my arms. I can't keep my lips off of him now that I can move him better.

I'm so thrilled for you to see my little cutie! Welcome to the world finally little big man! You're so cute, so everyone that lays eyes on you. The poor baby has hiccups, a lot, but they're so cute I had to get it on video.

Sorry for my annoying commentary.


  1. Happy to see Everett looking and sounding so good...

  2. oh how cute! I love his little newborn sounds :) Happy Father's Day to Andre!

  3. oh how cute! I love his little newborn sounds :) Happy Father's Day to Andre!

  4. Awwwww, he is so precious!!! His little face and those chubby cheeks...oh my goodness!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
